Aug 7Pinned

Additional Content Added 08.07.2024 @ 1345 EST

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Lol. I think it's great that you allow your pets to roam. Keeping them locked inside is just a more subtle form of cruelty to me. A poisoned environment is better than no environment at all.

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I'm sorry for what's happening to us all. Lovely kitties, et al.

Thanks for showing us. God Bless.

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For such an intelligent man you're taking shocking & unnecessary risks with your feline friend and your family's health by letting kitty outside. (Please keep your kitty inside) Aside from the usual suspects, there's also zoonotic parasites to consider, such as Strongyloides that's spread by local wildlife, like 🦊, 🦝, opossums (literally any mammal) & that can survive outside of a host for 3-5 years(!) & that can NOT be eradicated (you can manage numbers, but cannot ever completely eradicate all of them!) and they can kill you. I believe that they have been engineered/weaponized as they have a bizarre life cycle, can asexually reproduce & live free form enduring extreme temps, without food for longer than what's normal. They're endemic to most regions of USA, though no-one ever talks about them. Cats routinely groom as you well know & the parasites are in blood/saliva, so just petting them or having them brush up against your legs is enough to deposit them on clothing and skin. The parasite secretes an enzyme that digests your skin, giving them entry to your vessel. Most veterinarians and medical doctors don't bother testing for this 🪱 and it's a nightmare you don't want to experience first hand! This goes likewise for dog owners. Just letting your pooch out to do their business can be risky (wildlife entering your yard is hard to prevent)! Everything has been weaponized & although synthetic meta materials are and remain a serious concern, parasites are not something to take lightly in this day and age! And this doesn't even address other dangers for🐈. It's never been wise for us to allow our cats outside, but things are much worse now than yesteryear! I apologize if this appears harsh. If I didn't care, I wouldn't lecture. And I'm totally not making a mountain out of a molehill here. People require an E.L.I .S.A. test to screen for these nasty monsters and most doctors sooner DX you with, "Delusions of Parasitosis" before taking the matter seriously. An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. And with everything we're dealing with, it's better to err on the side of caution. Your fur kid might be sad or annoyed initially, but they'll get over it. It just means that you need to participate in play time to keep their spirits up & keep them healthy as well as entertained. It's a small investment and you'll both be better from it. Stay vigilant!

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Do you think the same thing could be said for us people stepping out the house?

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Not unless you're running around barefoot.

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An early Rockefeller hoax was hook worms! Stay off the grass! We have the cure! There's nothing new under the sun, even if it's just a bunch of reflectors! Look it up and extrapolate.

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Hookworms aren't fake. But, at LEAST they can be eradicated. I'm not going to re-hash what I'd already said. I can explain it, but it's up to you to comprehend it.

I actually did type an earlier reply, but because I don't use the app I had to verify by email which deleted text. It's not about living life like the Boy In The Bubble, it's about making informed choices. Cats are predatory by nature & exposure to parasites such as Strongyloides Ratti puts not only the cat at risk, but thereby increases risk of infection to humans & other animals sharing the residence. This isn't conjecture, it's fact.

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You're nuts

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You're absolutely nuts😂

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Ad hominem attacks are all you've got little boy. I shared info because I actually care about people & after doing volunteer work yrs ago for TNR (trap, neuter & return) I contracted the parasite that nearly killed me. It's not actively screened for and it's a major epidemic with an estimated 30 million to 100 million worldwide. You don't care about parasites? Fine. But, at least have the decency to do right by your animal companion. Your immature insults are reflective of how you were raised & this no doubt contributes towards your lack of regard for your pet as well as other people. You don't agree with what I shared, it's fine. But, stop trying to denigrate & devalue what could very likely save someone else from suffering. Better yet, go kick rocks! And have a wonderful day.

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But cows, chickens, pigs and other barnyard animals must be outdoors with the exception of Arnold Ziffel, the pig in the sitcom Green Acres, who was a pampered pet. My cat, which I suspect was part feral, HAD to go out. Home was a prison camp to him. Except for the food. He was one tough hombre.

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Yes and they're regularly treated for parasites. There's a specific window of time regulated by law, between antihelmintic dosing and slaughtering these animals for consumption.

Being 'tough' doesn't defend against parasites, pathogens & potential dangers. When you permit your cat to go outdoors you increase the risk of contracting disease & bringing home to you & others, as well as increasing the likelihood of them being harmed. When I was much younger I had a kitty that I let outside & he enjoyed it, too. Him and the beagle puppy I'd rescued were best buds. My brother decided to take his Harley out to go for a ride & neglected to secure the gate and the cat and dog were chasing one another (playfully). The dog ran out in the street and was hit by a car (which, needless to say broke my heart). The cat survived, but yrs later developed feline leukemia & had to be euthanized.

Knowing what I know now, I choose to keep my fur kids indoors. Not in any effort to deprive them of nature, but to decrease the risks of harm.

What you choose to do with your pets is your choice. I'm only hoping to spread awareness. Not to peddle or promote fear.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Enjoy your parasites buddy. But, you can never say that you never heard about it or wasn't warned.

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Enjoy picking up your cat shit in the morning😂mine goes outside,imagine that.

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My cats are toilet trained & there's no need to use foul language.

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Have you seen lookoutfacharlie on you tube?It is eye opening!God bless wishing you well from the UK.Thank you.

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This inversion of do no harm is unfathomable for me.

I live for another day knowing the world is on a course towards “void of life” as we have experienced.

I liked the matrix 1.0

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The segmented fiber IS a Cat Hair! I see them All the Time. Simply put a Cat Hair on the slide and look. : )

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Author

The bio-mimetic starts off clear, and transparent in the beginning stages, and will develop into "hair". I have been looking at this for over 10 years now.

And yes a Google search will generate the segmented "hair", I have talked to countless individuals who see these segmented structures daily as a so-called floater. We have also seen them in myriad individual’s blood. Again, Mimetics or just ubiquitous cat hair, you decide.

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I remembered where I originally saw the segmented "hairs". Clifford Carnicom years ago.

Apparently the tech of Morgellons was taking over hair follicles and growing bio-hair that was transparent and segmented.

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I looked up "cat hair under a microscope" and you are 100% right from what I found in multiple examples.

Cat hair is indeed segmented exactly like the segmented fibers in the video.

That's something of a relief. Thanks.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Author

The bio-mimetic starts off clear, and transparent in the beginning stages, and will develop into "hair". I have been looking at this for over 10 years now.

And yes a Google search will generate the segmented "hair", I have talked to countless individuals who see these segmented structures daily as a so-called floater. We have also seen them in myriad individual’s blood. Again, Mimetics or just ubiquitous cat hair, you decide.

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Thank you for the clarity. Obviously we don't have cat hair in our blood to my knowledge. Now I "see". ha...(sad little chuckle...).

It is strange. When I viewed your video I remember having seen these same segmented tubes in other's videos, likely matt and Karl C., etc., and then when I "google" it I get multiples of the same sort of images identified as "cat hair".

I keep thinking AI is becoming very detailed in it's internet manipulations.

Around 4 years ago the IT Dept. at the place I worked said they had conducted some informal experiments of their own to see how far AI was reaching.

For context, I had called them because I was being inundated with useless popup ads on my work computer and wanted them stopped.

So...this wasn't a discussion about AI conspiracies, etc. But the TI Dept. guys were spooked because in their experiments, they would walk outside to an area they knew had no surveillance or recording devices they were aware of and then they would have a very specific conversation about, say, "purple dog beds". They would then go back inside to their work computers and ads for "purple dog beds" would immediately appear. They had no idea how this was happening and they said there were even more disturbing experiments they had tested.

These IT guys were truly spooked and this was 4 years ago...

There is no privacy or reliable information. Other than from one another as trusted sources. Thank again.

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Aug 7Author

The net / web is moving very fast to keep joe / jane normie in a normalization dazy haze of turth

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What are you feeding this cat??? Surely you must know that the type of food you are giving her matters and if you are giving her toxic dry food, this is likely the cause of what you are finding under the microscope and also why she is vomiting so much. It is not normal for cats to vomit. Your cat is ill. You seem to think it's funny. It's not funny.

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Aug 7Author

I take excellent care of my animals. However, she loves the outdoors, and have no control what she get's into or eats when she's out roaming around. We either laugh or cry.

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The other thing that occurs to me is that ,if we want this nanotech to stop assembling in our bodies and the bodies of our pets and all living things, the entire wireless grid MUST BE SHUT DOWN COMPLETELY. This technology is being activated by wireless frequencies. Without these deadly, alien frequencies, the tech would just "die" and be released from our bodies. Our use of wireless devices is making this insane situation possible.

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How do you propose to do this? Governments and corporations will never shut wireless down. It simply will not happen.

And even if you shut your wireless devices down the frequencies are still entering you. No device necessary.

And you don't know if the tech would die and be released from our bodies by shutting down the wireless grid .

The cat is not only living outside but is way out of the bag.

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People do not understand what's going on because they are told 'high tech' is good. People can shut it down by not using it. Governments and corporations need users en masse.

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I worked for a government and they don't need users in masse nor do most corporations. Even if people turn their devices off en masse, which I don't know how the majority of people will be persuaded to do that, the frequencies are still everywhere.

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I propose we do it THROUGH OUR WILL AND INTENTION!!! I personally do not have any wireless devices at all. I do not own or use a cell phone. I live in an area with zero cell towers within a 3 mile radius of my house. I rented an old farm house that has an analog meter on it and NOT a digital/smart meter. I use wired internet and even my vehicle is old so that I can avoid driving around in a microwave/bluetooth oven. WE OURSELVES MUST MAKE THE CHOICE TO SAY NO MORE!!!! It is that simple. And anyone not willing to make the choice is contributing to what is happening,. And the tech would absolutely be expelled from the body if it had no wireless signals giving it instructions to interweave itself into our neurology. My personal opinion is you have to have shit for brains to use wireless devices of any kind. And this is especially true for people who know what is happening and are aware that these signals are what is causing the AI to expand in our bodies, our children's bodies, our pet's bodies, in the water supply, etc. WE HAVE TO TAKE A STAND AND ACT FROM A PLACE OF INTEGRITY which requires smashing all these fucking devices to smithereens. I also appreciate countries that have men with balls big enough to set the cell towers on fire. The time is now to ACT!!! Stop making excuses.

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I'm happy for you to be fortunate enough to have the circumstances you have.

I'm talking reality, not excuses.

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People are so into trying to control all this and will make themselves ill for the effort.

Taken to its logical conclusion, everybody and their cat should live inside a faraday cage 24/7.

Yeah, life lived in a cage. That's the ticket.

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Yeah - acting like a cowardly man and doing absolutely nothing to make this world a better place is the ticket. STEP UP!!! I've no tolerance left for weak men.

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Look, chickie. I'm female for starters. You have no idea what I'm doing or not doing so back up. Just because I don't want to live in fear or a cage is not your cue start flinging crap. If this is your idea of making the world a better place you may find yourself the only inhabitant.

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What you describe may have been true thirty years ago, but reality has changed a good deal since.

It's synthetic biology. Nanotech. Not dry cat food.

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"We're going down with the ship, down, down, down with the ship..." I thought you'd appreciate this song for some pilo-erection practice. Enjoy! But don't watch the video, it could give one a nightmare! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty9oS6d0FKE

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Dry cat food causes chronic dehydration in cats and kidney failure. If you feel your cat dry food, you are basically causing it to experience a slow and awful death.

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You're nuts too

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My cat began wasting away March 2023 and was put down July 2023. Drank from puddles. Ate grass. Vet could find nothing in the x rays or palpitation. Throwing up. I thought it was suspicious because he was subjected to what was being sprayed and etc. . Everybody said at the age 13 it was normal that he should die. How long before it becomes obvious to the most casual observer that something's up? Thanks for confirming my suspicion! Perfectly healthy animal w/out diagnosis goes pear shaped.

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I read a story about a cat that lived until it was 35. The cat lived on a farm in Ireland. I read this story a number of years ago and it stuck with me. It tells us how sick we and our animals have become that we and they are dying so young. I also had a friend in North Idaho with a 23-year-old cat. The utility company forced a smart meter on the house and in a very short time, both my friend and the cat were dead. She was very conscious of not using wireless devices so it was definitely the smart meter that caused a brain tumor in her and I'm not sure what the cat died from. They died just a few weeks apart.

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My family have had cats that lived beyond 13 and they were indoor/outdoor. I have seen cats over 20 years old. I have denied the electric company to install a smart meter. Everybody else around me has one. I am sorry for the loss of your friend. Sad situation all around. I wish you well in this crazy time and regardless just keep your head!

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Hi FireMedic8, I was listening to Sabrina recently. She said it isn't the phone, it's your bones they're picking up on. So, piezoelectrically speaking, the nodes and sinks, I can confirm there are these areas that I'm trying to remediate. When I use my mini triangle, in a mini bath for 1/2 hr., it isn't doing the trick as it first did. My big triangle works better, in the deep tub, but it's quite a dose, I soak longer with more salt and soda. Please share any ideas you have from your experience. I'll check in later, after I monitor these doses. HeartFire Up.

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Cats eat grass to trigger the vomit... some of that could be grass.

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