Well done guys! Congratulations on the perseverance to look at this material. I think you have uncovered something here and I can't find anything that come close online - natural or synthetic. I look forward to involving a few more eyes and brains and having some discussion about what it might be. Cheers!
I was wondering if I’d be able to find back the video I had seen about spiders covering an entire region of California -cocoon trees and bushes. I couldn’t, but I stumbled upon this one
Thank you for sharing this. I was documenting this many years ago along with others in a 'skywatch' group on youtube. Here is my playlist from back then...some are quite insane how heavy they were spraying them. I also had photos of this stuff in my skin, on my cats and also on every surface in my home including clothes. What I noticed about them when I zoomed in close on photos was what appeared to be lights inside them.https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcWqdlesKYhTNLUF5fYbo5Wp5Og61qgru
Also here is the only video I still have up on my channel that I made. I noticed that the webs would land on top of old spider webs and you could tell they weren't natural as they shimmered with multicoloured light when the sun was at the right angle. Unfortunately the youtube 'editing' suite made the video have such poor quality compared to the original images but you still get the gist. https://youtu.be/HsKADSFAw5I
Hey there Will, hard to know what to say..except the endless array of phenomena presenting never gets stale does it? What those blocks of coloured ? are inside those tubes defy even a guess at this point.
It looks as though this mass of ? webbing has a spider or insect wrapped inside, and it appears at the begining of your footage, that one appendage/leg/tube fills with solution and or "awakens" ??? and moves by itself - truly lost for words on this one.
Well done guys! Congratulations on the perseverance to look at this material. I think you have uncovered something here and I can't find anything that come close online - natural or synthetic. I look forward to involving a few more eyes and brains and having some discussion about what it might be. Cheers!
I have this underneath my skin , it's wrapped around my face and scalp and spreading 🥲
Please post pictures of this.
I was wondering if I’d be able to find back the video I had seen about spiders covering an entire region of California -cocoon trees and bushes. I couldn’t, but I stumbled upon this one
from Australia, at 5:15 mins.
Kind regards.
Not sure I've ever seen that one. I've only seen vids from AUS and EU. Thank you for the link.
It was in a documentary from +- 20 years ago…🙂
Anyone who creates this needs to be put out of their misery
Anyone who’s had morgellons knows it’s painful by design.
Sad but True
Thank you for sharing this. I was documenting this many years ago along with others in a 'skywatch' group on youtube. Here is my playlist from back then...some are quite insane how heavy they were spraying them. I also had photos of this stuff in my skin, on my cats and also on every surface in my home including clothes. What I noticed about them when I zoomed in close on photos was what appeared to be lights inside them.https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcWqdlesKYhTNLUF5fYbo5Wp5Og61qgru
Also here is the only video I still have up on my channel that I made. I noticed that the webs would land on top of old spider webs and you could tell they weren't natural as they shimmered with multicoloured light when the sun was at the right angle. Unfortunately the youtube 'editing' suite made the video have such poor quality compared to the original images but you still get the gist. https://youtu.be/HsKADSFAw5I
Thank you for sharing
I am seeing the same looking segmented elements with a 10x photo loop, in rain debris and on locally harvested fruit. Portland, Oregon.
Hi. Are you able to document or otherwise forward samples of your findings?
I've seen it in many unsuspecting places
Grateful for your time, Will and Eric and Unhackable Animal!!! ❤️🙏
Hey there Will, hard to know what to say..except the endless array of phenomena presenting never gets stale does it? What those blocks of coloured ? are inside those tubes defy even a guess at this point.
It looks as though this mass of ? webbing has a spider or insect wrapped inside, and it appears at the begining of your footage, that one appendage/leg/tube fills with solution and or "awakens" ??? and moves by itself - truly lost for words on this one.
Are you going to perturbate this? KK
Effing gruesome Shyte
Thanks guys. God bless.