
California Spider Silk - Isopropyl Bath - Part 5

Updated 11.13.2024

Microscopy Credits:

Will’s Unedited footage below:

’s latest images below:

Quick & dirty screen grabs. Brightfield 600x oil (except the 1st image). The last image in particular indicates that these are sequenced capsules containing loose clusters of material.

My most recent images 11.12.2024

Will’s 11.13.2024 Update:

100x oil. This is as clear as I'll be able to make it. I'm terming them "pellets", as we've no clear indication of what they may actually be. I think it's safe to say that hair follicles don't express this way, & neither do bacteria. Synthetic biology seems to be squarely in the realm of possibility here.

Entire Series Linked Below: