Mothers are the most powerful political force in society. The police can't brutalize them in public, the politicians are afraid to brutalize them, they have all the power in America if they can only unite into a great force for resistance against the monsters of money.

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Mothers also have the protection instinct for offspring very hardwired and some don't have to work outside because their husbands do, so they have a bit more time to research what's going on and how to try to stop it. since mothers traditionally keep family members healthy , this naturally falls to them also.

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I was taking a late night walk in my neighborhood when a cop stopped me and demanded I show my id. I knew this is not legal in CA so I asked him what his reason for asking me. He refused to give me a reason so after a few minutes and a few requests to know why he was stopping me I told him I was leaving since he wasn’t giving me a reason. The mother fucker tackled me to the ground!!! I was 52 with a old knee injury of which I shouted “please don’t -I have a bad knee!”. We went down, faceplanted, bloody nose! He man handled me cuffing my hands! I’m very traumatized about it. This was a few years ago when I was beginning to fully wake up to the Covid crimes and all the lies we’ve been told (moon, 911, ball earth bs, all of it-I considered myself black pilled). He bloodied me up and I had to go to the er before jail which I was already aware that the er was not a safe place to end up. So, cops are not our friends, imo.

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Sep 25Author

Horrifying, no words, 💔

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No! :( I had quite a few friends get thrown down (during Convid) and they're traumatized. That cop was a thug in uniform. Unbelievable he threw you down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This makes me SEETHE! ARGHHHH!!!!!!

I'm sorry to hear and I hope you are prepared to document EVERY INTERACTION with someone in uniform, throwing their weight around. GRRRRRR!!!

Thank you for sharing. May you find some inspiration from Theresa Buccola (a friend of mine who has been absolutely TIRELESS in her fight against tyranny). Enjoy!!!! She inspires the SHIT out of me:

Here, she faces off with the SAME CARMEL COP who threw her to the ground. Watch her hold her ground: https://youtu.be/3ZBF6dehBkY?si=qXzOBA8hwFMcvXqf

Here is her channel. SHE IS AMAZING. Many videos and documentation of her fight..check her out. https://www.youtube.com/@TheresaBuccola/videos

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He actually tackled me, we both went down with him on top of me. He arrested me for “assaulting” a police officer, the gall!! I didn’t have anything on me, no phone, no wallet or keys as I was just taking a walk in your average condensation packed upscale neighborhood (that I used to feel extremely safe in, even at night). Even if I had had a cell phone on me I would not have thought I would need it and the tackling happened so fast there’s no way I would’ve been fast enough to start filming….

I’m a nurse, 20 years and my kids father is a firefighter whom everyone knows. The paramedic whom checked me out on the way to the er even knows him but alas I was surrounded by robots with zero concern that I had been attacked by a policy enforcer. I could see the lockstep in action. I even said it to all that dealt with me. Needless to say I was not arrested but was warned that if it happened again it would have negative results. I got a lawyer but even he seemed part of the scam which was clear when I asked for the police camera footage that that lockstep pig admitted and bragged that he had, at the scene.

Literally, zero justice. About a year later I ran into a woman in the same neighborhood who was about the same age who told me her, extremely, similar story. So, this has been happening to other women??? So, if the police and fire are corrupt then how are we to make changes in our communities?

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It's horrible. Would love to know his name and badge # if you have it. Nothing like exposing these creeps for being thugs. Bullies in uniform...and ARMED! Sickening.

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I just wonder how many humans still have a mind to think yet like these two women...When this is all over they will be called the children of God RR

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Thanks this is real

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great discussion....two brave ladies

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I’m grateful for the closed captioning. I have some friends who are hard of hearing and this is very helpful for them to follow.

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Thank you for sharing! ❤️

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Sep 23Author


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The military has been in the process of being privatized for decades, using contractors to make the vaccines, using hundreds of contractors like C.A.C.I. that did the murder and torture at Abu Ghraib, contractors all over Washington like Blackwater, Emergent Biosolutions( that made the poison vaccines for Pfizer and Moderna under military countermeasure laws contracted to the DOD ), undercover citizens stalking us on their laptops in secret underground boiler-rooms in Washington and all over the country. Seems like when the economy fails, the military-banking-extermination cartel takes up the slack. I'm going off to swallow a valium now.

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I would stay far away from Valium harmaceuticals. Maybe just overdose on mint tea instead 😬kidding aside

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a very good suggestion is to try to effect change as a group. you need back up support. most of the attendees are completely brainwashed and the system of meetings is designed to dumb down. They will fight you.

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❤️❤️❤️ these ladies are inspiring!

Regarding the pilot she was able to speak with, the fact that he’s aware that this phosphate toxin was used in WW1 shows he’s aware that IT IS NOT SAFE!!!!

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organophosphates. DDT. In the summers, the kids would run behind the spray trucks. Caused polio. Opportunity for Jonas Salk, the eugenicist, to inject everyone with poisons that actually exacerbated, and caused, immune degeneration, and more polio.

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Sep 23Author

Death Cult has been at work our whole lives

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Do everything you can. The Bible teaches it will only get worse. Jesus tells us to stand but what the world did to him will be done to us. Be not afraid because he over came death. We will too! Revelation 12:11

11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

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