May 19·edited May 19Liked by FM8

It's also called broadband over powerlines at the time people laughed and thought I was mad, which is the usual response when they are not actively researching. Broadband over power lines (BPL). Interesting I just went to look up this in Australia as there definitely was a department wholly dedicated to this and at the time back in 2018 I posted on FB that it was time to go completely off grid to stop the spying etc through the power lines. I have gone back to find that link and it was there all right but it is no longer active and also it's not archived on archive dot org. Even when searching on the terms one comes up with nothing in that gov't dept. How interesting. The link was https://www.acma.gov.au/theACMA/broadband-over-powerline-bpl-i-acma

In Australia there were issues due to infrastructure differences supposedly and also it posing problems with radio broadcasting interference. What I have found from researching is that it is the government that is forcing the power companies to comply with a standard all in the name of green environmental whatever. Within that standard is the demand that all power outlets from the grid have smart meters. All the power companies are doing is complying with the demands of the govt. Then one has to look at who is demanding that the govts of each country comply with this smart tech. For the techie researchers out there here is the doc from the main broadcaster in AU about it. https://about.abc.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/ABCSubmissionACAPaperInterferenceBroadbandPowerLineApplicationsJun20051.pdf

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I had always wanted to travel to Australia, but now I see from movies, it is basically structured in the same exact way of the US military & prison industrial complex. It's amazing really how similar the two "law enforcement" agencies both operate the same way. Whereas, Americans are not giving up their guns! Which is why, the Intel agencies create these school and random shootings in order to pass legislation to get rid of our guns. You will notice, all of the so called "mentally ill" murderers are never left alive in order to tell their stories, if they realized the voices telling them, and then something takes over their mind and bodies and leads them to shoot everyone. I know they have the capability to do exactly this sort of thing. I thought, and still do that they need the cellphone to be able to completely control your mind and body. They made me throw things around the room and scream non sense in a doctors office to try and get a diagnosis of craziness! Luckily, apparently the doctor, who is the only one who can diagnose anyone must of felt some moral obligation not to participate, but those are far and few between these days. So, no one was able to get me diagnosed as mentally ill. That's probably why they want me dead. I'm not sure which is worse now.

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Incredible info and such good delivery, you are very articulate by the way. Telecom sounds like a mafia. Then again it’s probably all industries with major military overlap that are mafia-like.

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May 19·edited May 19Liked by FM8

Thank you for sharing your observations. You are making me pay attention to what type of smart meter I have. They installed ours BEFORE I knew they were an EMR negative. And yet, I've yet to measure it periodically sending anything to its home base. It's mounted on a brick wall and no abnormal EMR registers inside the house from it. We're keeping a watchful ear on it.

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Brilliant post.... your wife is a very lucky woman!.....

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Wow, so this video just pops up out of nowhere on the only cell phone (and I have many) that is connected to my WIFI here in a fairly large city in Georgia. I am in the process of moving to a rural area of GA, and had been there for a few months, but there is literally no way for me to get online. However, this past week, I saw trucks and even a Jeep Wrangler with no company logo on them. They were rolling out power lines on the ground then I watched as the new line was combined with two more with some sort of mechanism. It appeared to be twisting the three lines into one and then it was put up on the power line. I saw somewhere that my address was soon to have fiber Internet, so apparently the fiber Internet will be coming from the power lines. The most interesting part about all of this is that no one has made any big announcement or advertised for the upcoming business, and even the workers and trucks did not have the power company or the future Internet company's name on the trucks. You are absolutely right about the problem is people being ignorant and just following orders. Nobody else in my family even wondered what they were doing out there. I mentioned something about how they were supposed to be getting rural America online. My mom and Dad said they were putting up new poles one day, and I knew there were no new poles! Now, this pops up on my phone, and random crap just doesn't pop up. There is always a reason for everything, and I have learned it is never in the interest for the common person! The mind control I have seen from people in positions of authority is completely unbelievable.

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Oh, I forgot to even finish the two pecan trees thought. They were both uprooted and laid flat on the ground just barely missing my parents home. There were three, the third one would have laid directly over their heads in their bedroom. I'm not sure if they meant that as a warning or what because they do not care about human life, just look at that same island states "wild fires" that vaporized many native Islanders homes, as well as their bodies b/c apparently the family would always hold land ownership rights to those lands. So, they made sure their kids were at home as well by cancelling school. Then proceeded to vaporize the people from their lands in order to build an island resort, or some big multimillion dollar home with views of the grand Pacific. Oh, but it was all because of climate change, they say. Really? So, everything is a lie? That's the best way to describe what I have learned, and they knew I was getting income from the property here in college town, GA. So, they are actively trying to steal it. I can't rent it out b/c whomever I'm able to get online or through the phone will be sent for one purpose, to steal my land. They have destroyed my reputation with lies and slander, and have destroyed every single relationship I had with flat out lies. You literally can't believe anything you see or read over the Internet. I asked this one "Lyft" driver, who had obviously been sent to take me to the hospital for surgery after they failed to kill me, when she said, "that's why people don't want you around their kids". To which I responded, why? She then says, "You're a child molestor!". I asked, why would she claim such an outrageous thing? She said, " I saw it on the news, John". That's when I realized what exactly I was up against, and honestly became a bit defeated and have pretty much given up. When I realized they can literally make up fake news reports, apparently showing images of me and false allegations, and get away with it. Now, I wouldn't even want to indoctrinate kids at these places called schools, anyway, not anymore. It's all lies and propaganda basically in support of national pride and ongoing wars for profit.

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You should follow Christina Gerrard, who commented above. She too is electronically harassed and much worse.

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I should have mentioned, but wasn't quite sure who all would be reading my response. At any rate, I've learned over the past five years and then some just how corrupt every institution of govt., as well as businesses are, and will do anything, and I literally mean anything to keep a person silent, who knows too much. I apparently fall into that category. This all started back in 2016-17 I moved to the most remote place in the world, and an island state of the US, our 50th state. I've also learned it is best not to mention anyone or state, for that matter by name. All I wanted to do was use my teaching license in GA and move to another state to teach school. Well, all hell literally broke out b/c of a past arrest in another state for a DUI that was dropped by the judge, who didn't apparently fill out the proper paperwork for it to be dropped, but I knew it wasn't on any background check I had ever had completed, and even if it did show up, it would not void my GA teaching license. I currently still hold advanced teaching licenses in both states. I chose this particular state b/c it was the only state that offered reciprocity only up to a Master's degree, ten years of credible teaching service, and the license would be good for ten years instead of the most common five year renewable teaching license. In other words, I would transfer my GA teaching license to this island states teaching license and be paid at the highest level anyone could be paid, since only up to a Master's degree and ten years of service transfers. I had both, exactly ten years and a Master's degree, no PHd or doctorate. However, things began to get very interesting to outright frightening and fearful for my life, and still do. They are actively trying to kill me, as I type this comment. Most people always ask, very condescendingly I might add, "Who is they?".

For the longest time, I responded to this question, not very well apparently, since no one actually believes I could possibly be that important. I would suggest I have no idea who they are, I just know that there is definitely multiple people unknown to me completely screwing with my life. I thought at first it was the states school board. "They" tried to convince me it was a group of people called....Goddamnit, I can not even recall the name of this group atm. This is very frustrating, but with what they are hitting me with they have completely destroyed half of my comprehension ability. I have been put in a prison, of sorts. Basically, what they are doing to, fuck they just made me forget his name, although I can see him in my mind being tortured in solitary confinement in a prison in the UK. The US wants, or says they want to extradite him, but it doesn't matter, the UK or the US. It's all ran by the same evil group of people backed by the USA military industrial complex, as well as it's "intelligence communities". Wow, at all of the things I have learned over the last decade mainly in a fear for my life. They have literally tried everything, car accidents, drug poisonings, stalking and harassment mainly through the Internet, the frequencies this information travels on, and I can't forget the Air Force, specifically their directed energy weapons they claim doesn't exist or would be illegal to experiment on humans. There are no laws these people abide by any that would actually punish them and stop their illegal torturing of a human being, hell the human population!

The reason most people find all of my many incredible stories unbelievable is b/c just as I was unable to remember to names that are central to my core beliefs just now, and still can't. I believe they are controlling everyone's minds, most subliminally. I find watching basically anything online through Amazon, Hulu, etc to be the most educational on this subject. Apparently, they have to tell everyone what they are doing for satanic ritual purposes. That could be a lie I have been fed, but if this shit isn't satanic/evil, then I do not know what could be!

I forgot why I was even commenting now, but did find the movie on Amazon/MGM, The Beekeeper to be the most accurate description of how this power structure that supercedes govts actually work. The FBI and CIA actually do everything they claim to investigate.

Oh, so my comments purpose just popped back into this head they are zapping 24/7 and I have the scars or burn marks to prove it. The Internet was developed by the military, and the military has always been interested in mind control. I've seen two fighter jets dip down into the back of my parents home in the middle of rural GA come so close to the house it literally shook. Then, last year the two tall pecan trees that have been there my entire life, as well as my parents, who are in their early 70s, just at their retirement ages. My mom seems to understand more than my Dad, but that's a whole other story. I know for a fact the govt is not run by the people it represents, it is ran by criminals, who hide behind their "responsible govt jobs and the whole protecting us from terrorists/keeping us safe. Oh no, Dad from it, they want you to believe that's what they are doing, when in fact they are actively trying to slowly kill you and steal everything you thought you owned. Then the battery just goes dead....

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That's great material. Good work man!

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Wow. Incredible story. The description of the 'promiscuous electrical coupling' ricocheted into what the most deviant god of depravity designed as a continuous torture level of hell located on floor 666 in Sheol, room 223 in Department of electrical deviance. Sorry for the dramatic rereading but I've begun seeing the outright organization of a military level & style of these liars, killers & destroyers. It's all one thing just hyper organized. I think. What do you say?

On the internet over powerlines, I remb in the late 80's as MCI, AT&T & PG&E+++ laid all the underground cable for future internet. The scuttlebutt was yes, 'eventually,,"wifi"' would be regulated and maintained by local subs as well as availability for paying customers. No modems, bc modem was not a consumer level word as I recall back then, since all CA electrical construction designed either public or private was preloaded was the common thought. I'm not an electrical engineer but no one is really, jk, the patents tell the story. But... I could be wrong. Does any of that sound familiar, or do I sound like Whitney with crack-a-lack?

Note of concern:: thank you for the heads up. Very creepy. Bold. PTL you have a discerning spirit. Thank you for your report & God bless you and yours 🙏🏻❤️

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Huh, thought my meter was a non-communicating meter but now that you mention it, I’ve never seen anyone in the 18 years that I have lived here come out to read the meter. I just assumed they were estimating the amount based on previous years data. I always meant to call and find out, but would promptly forget. So what does one look like? Anyone know?

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Put an emf meter shield over the meter.

Simple metal screens you can get at Walmart can stop or reduce the emf etc.

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Oh and I looked up my FCC ID# on https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/GenericSearchResult.cfm?RequestTimeout=500

And they were granted their FCC Grant of equipment authorization certificate in 1998!!! I don’t think anyone has a non-smart meter anymore. My meter has no visible digital parts- I wish I could post a picture -as I thought mine was an analog meter.

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Few have the intelegence to confront the idiots that know what there doing and do it anyway : RR

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Wow, that's amazing! So if you have one without my knowledge can we get it changed out?

That is so sickening to me! Thanks to people like you! Your very wise! You handled that wolf very well! Chow!

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May 26Author

Impossible to answer. There are so many companies, some are easy to work with, especially if they are a local/private company, which most are not, and they are the problems.

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Great investigating work.

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