Feb 4Liked by FM8

Amazing!!!! I’m not getting this totally but I’m going to watch this a few more times to understand it. But thank you for sharing what u learned. Keep sharing we all appreciate u exposing the beast.🙏🏻

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Love your work. Your brother has interesting points I understand as well, and though I don’t have any certain opinions about God or practice a religion, I’ve always believed in her identical twin—Mother Nature—as well as the human soul and the commands of life; DNA, which these soulless monsters are hacking in all life forms and trying to destroy along with the human soul.

But know this, what I’ve known since birth is that “they” are NOT hidden, but in plain sight all around us, at least their messages and weapons are. It’s their Satanic Protocol; their own unlawful rules used to tell their slaves in advance of their plans. It’s true, that they meet in secret and plot against humanity, but their symbols and “order of chaos” for controlling all life are right in front of us, as you’ve discovered. It’s so strange, but as an autistic I’ve always been able to see “them” and they have always let me know that they hate me for it, just as they hate you and your brother, especially Christianity. They really hate Jesus, even moreso after killing him.

Again, they (the trillionaire oligarchs) remain hidden, as your brother said, but their symbols, methods, goals, lieutenants (Trump & Biden; all politicians, lawyers & corrupt cops) are right in front of us everywhere—for those willing and capable of understanding—as you and your brother are, as I am, as many others are who are finally waking up (NOT WOKE) and now understand as well.

I believe Karen Kingston gets most of it, just like Dr. Ana and several others whom almost lost their lives. But they are still lost. Like many very intelligent souls on the battlefield with me, they seem confused about the solutions to defeat this monster, and it may be the monster’s tools (brain-chipping & coms) that keep them just shy of victory. They’ve intelligently discovered how to identify their weapons and how to treat some of the symptoms, but not defeat it or those who are responsible.

For certain, the solution is not hate, war and killing—which is what the Eugenicist Satanic monsters want; street fights, civil war and WWIII. Whatever God is, “she” and her twin—Mother Nature—has already given us everything we need to defeat the Satanic Oligarchs and their blind slaves; each-other.

I’m absolutely certain the solution begins with arresting their most prized tools; the cops and lawyers who protect them, and it begins with filing police reports to weed out the good from the evil. We have the investigative evidence and government documents to prove our case beyond any reasonable doubt, and they know it, but going to the courts is NOT the first step. Filing police reports by the hundreds of millions in every state and country on earth is the first step.

The most powerful cops and government lawyers are intentionally NOT doing their job, and it’s our job to form peaceful, local militias armed with pens to go into all sheriffs offices, state, federal and international investigative agencies and dump tons of police reports along with our evidence on them—not file lawsuits against Pfizer or Lockheed, at lease not yet. Those lawsuits come after criminal investigations and thousands of arrests of corrupt cops and lawyers. We are being misled by government and private lawyers working for the oligarchs about the methods & approach to end the next Plandemic and their plans for WWIII with Iran, Russia and China. I guarantee it.

I expect to set the example in my state of Missouri, and the more I’m told filing police reports is the wrong approach by those who are either doing nothing or just the same thing over and over waiting for God to show up (when God is already with us), the more I’m certain of both the truths and solutions that will allow humanity to save itself.

Love your work. I hope to see you alive and well when humanity has defeated this evil, not End Times, but the beginning. I will never accept that it’s too late, which is just another lie fed to us by the monsters.

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Feb 5Liked by FM8

Hello Jeffrey, wow I applaud you for these words so beautifully spoken, and, I agree with you.

Fm8 brilliant article, keep us posted. Thanks too to your brothers words, I agree with too!

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There’s just one problem. The problem is never the solution being suggested, yours included, which is a very good one.

The problem is, who is brave and, most importantly, capable enough to rally a majority of the population across the earth into carrying out the solution and maintaining it in order for it to have a noticeable, lasting impact?

Are you? If not you, then is there anyone you know personally that would voluntarily step up to the plate? If not, then who?

Do you see why solutions sound lovely when we talk about them, but are completely meaningless unless they’re put into motion by a MAJORITY of the earth’s population?

This is a HUGE, GARGANTUAN effort.

I have yet to see this happening anywhere with any solution offered, and the plan$camdemic has shown us this stranglehold we’re in has no boundaries. Every single country is affected.

When there’s no one who is doing this or can accomplish it, no amount of asking or telling people on social media to do this will make any difference in changing the direction we’ve been headed for the last 248 years. All it does is fill people’s minds with more information, and we continue to stay stuck on the hamster wheel.

When no one else, or hardly anyone, will do the same as you or anyone else with their own solution suggests, it’s like removing a truckload of sand from the ocean believing that it will make a difference in removing all of it altogether, while hoping everyone else would remove a truckload of it as well.

Today, more than ever, we have a whole host of people publicly spreading the truth about so many important topics on SM, and a plethora of suggested solutions, but none of this even makes a dent in tipping the scale in the other direction.

Sure. Remaining hopeful is everyone’s prerogative. Believing we still have a chance. If that’s what people need, then who am I to take that dream away. I always say, “Believe whatever you need to, if that’s what makes you happy.”

But you must know that believing does not mean your dream will be realized, unless there’s enough people acting on the same solution at the same time. If there isn’t, then you’re setting yourself up for a huge disappointment.

Just being realistic.

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Bloody Hell, man. Well allow me to ramble a bit in retort.

If you’ve been familiar with my substack, you’d know just how serious and realistic WE are about forming our local militias in Missouri and taking peaceful action—not demonstrating or begging the crooked cops to investigate and arrest the obvious criminals in our government they’ve been protecting, but arresting these treasonous cops and AG’s and replacing them, just to get started. And the more we’re fed nonsense about how impossible that is by the people who do nothing, yet believe in End Times wars with Russia, Iran and China, the more certain I know we will defeat them and the naysayers will perish.

I’m one of thousands of veterans in my state currently planning and organizing in full view without bullshit or secrecy like the tyrants in our governments do. We are a combination of good, retired and active cops, soldiers and lawyers. One of us will in fact be elected Governor, in time, to then arrest and condemn our current Governor for treason, as well as all the other criminally-liable, treasonous elected officials in my state.

But we cannot wait. It starts locally, and only 1% of us who understands the system, and are capable & well funded need to start the process of arresting local and county officials, starting with the Chief of police of every city and Sheriff of every county who have been calling us conspiracy nuts and refused to investigate the WMD 5G, ChemTrail and Vaxx contents, not to mention the sudden deaths, turbo cancers…all caused by these weapons found in our blood, other medicines, food and water. It most definitely requires good cops currently active within the force, and I believe we have the numbers, and not just in my state, but every state in the U.S.

It’s not about worthless “beliefs,” but what is known and understand about the legal system (the State and U.S. constitutions); that most of the top cops in the United States are guilty of abusing the constitution under the guise of security after allowing/participating in the FalseFlag terror events—the manmade pathogens and Bioweapon Vaxx protocols currently killing most Americans who don’t even realize they are dead already.

Most of the solution is having an understanding of the law, being fully aware of their weaknesses and having the same frame of mind as soldiers at war; we are already dead, so we fight with the determination of winning or do nothing and get slaughtered like so many of you undoubtedly will, on your knees praying to God to save you, the same God who gave you the ability to think and communicate and work with each-other without political, racial, social or religions divisions and violence, plus the free will to resist following inhuman, unconstitutional orders AND the bravery & mindset to rise up against these tyrants and their crooked cops protecting them.

And your idea of being realistic is doing what, voting for Biden or Trump; doing NOTHING; doing the same things over and over until our world is completely hobbled and destroyed by deadly Nanotechnology & Nuclear WMD’s? I’d say good luck, but I’m not an emotional believer of luck, nor do I believe any great God planned this, but expects all of humanity to work together and end it, not roll over and participate.

End Times is NOT God’s will. It’s Satanic, and those who do nothing, or just the bare minimum pretending they are helping, or keep repeating the past by following in their parents and grandparents footsteps into another world war will no doubt be slaughtered like sheep. So I guess we’ll see.

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I stand corrected! Forgive me for being so hasty with you. You have my utmost respect as well as those who are working with you to try your best at changing our current situation in upside down world. It is commendable and brave to go up against the machine.

With that being said, my concern is that most people won't try to do what you and your group are planning to accomplish, especially, if they don't have a strong, trustworthy leader to show them the way.

Locally, you will most likely make a difference, but how far will it fan out? How many local groups like yours will it take to make a massive difference in changing the direction things are going?

Time may not be on your side, which may interfere with how far your efforts will progress, if the Ziopigs blast us with another fake emergency of some sort before you can get things into full swing.

I appreciate all the details you've shared with me. Yes, there's so much to know, learn and prepare before a group like yours can get things rolling.

Have you ever written a post about how to get a group like yours started? Sharing suggestions on how to do this, the ups and downs, the financial impact it has on the group members, a step-by-step outline of how the group is best structured, etc. might help motivate people to start their own group, if they're not faced with going at it blind.

Just to clarify a few things about me, that you may be assuming.

I'm not afraid to die. I'm 61 years young, but I feel I've lived a long enough life to say, when it's time for me to go, I'll be okay with it. If I can't live free, I'm prepared to die.

I'm not a Christian, so I don't pray, although I do believe there is an impersonal Creator; evolution is a load of crap.

I don't vote, because I know that system was rigged from the very beginning. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion makes that very clear.

Both popular political parties are two wings on the same bird and controlled by the world rulers.

Both sides of every war are funded by the same world rulers and their underlings.

I don't believe in luck either.

I agree that all of humanity should work together and end the destruction of the quality of our lives and our lives altogether, but I beg the question: How do we get people motivated to start putting your solution or any of the offered solutions circulating on social media into motion?

Everyone I know, even those who know about everything you've listed and then some, don't want to do anything but live their lives in their happy little bubbles, until they won't be allowed to anymore. I feel so alone when it comes to the seriousness of everything being done to us, yet there are people always around me. They're not even willing to talk about it, because it's too much doom and gloom.

The hubby is the same way. He won't act, until it's too late. I question, if he'll even do anything then.

Unfortunately, this is my reality, and it's what creates my idea of being realistic, which I'm willing to bet, and I'm not a betting woman, many other conspiracy minded people are experiencing the same thing in their lives. It's frustrating.

When you don't have the support of your family, especially your spouse, then it's very difficult to envision a better future.

From the time I was 23, I've been aware of who is running this world from the very top and have learned along the way everything you're aware of as well. I'm also fully aware of what they are capable of, if they want to silence anyone for whatever reason they see fit. This is most likely another reason why people don't want to get involved - fear for their own life and their family's lives.

I'll end with well wishes. May your plans for one of you to be elected Governor as well as the rest of your plans unfold for the benefit of the people in your state, so all your hard work won't be fruitless.

I'll be sure to set aside some time to check out your substack and catch up on what you and your group have been doing.

I appreciate the time you've given me.

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Same, and thank you. You, too.

It’s this kind of exchange of ideas that makes science real and good, including political science and the understanding of who and how they are misusing words like “security.”

Our top cops and politicians have contempt for the individual, evolving truths and free minds, so they ban books, force vaxx protocols and facilitate political wars and military action to further distract, hobble and kill the people. Why they are doing this is unimportant. What’s important is understanding that it’s intentionally-criminal and they will NOT be arresting themselves anytime soon, if ever.

Every time someone wants to ban legitimate descent or contrary arguments they only hurt humanity. I’m in constant legitimate arguments with well meaning individuals, some professionals in their field and others who are self-taught as I am. This is a good thing. But if I had to start all over to teach myself how to read or investigate under today’s rules and conditions, I’m not so sure I’d be successful considering all the books they’ve burned and all the people “they” have shadow-banned and silenced.

My, our, number one mission is to keep reminding people, especially the clinicians, that understanding the Vaxx is a bioweapon is completely meaningless—unless we can convince these intelligent clinicians, doctors, scientists and investigators who’ve discovered these obvious crimes (nanotechnology WMD’s, 5G, ChemTrails…) to “FILE POLICE REPORTS.” That’s it, for now.

We MUST start filing police reports of discovered Crimes Against Humanity by the hundreds of millions, worldwide, with the local, state and federal police—to weed out who’s complicit and who’s actually doing their job. Which investigative cops and professional reporters have actually been INVESTIGATING Crimes Against Humanity and making arrests? Almost none of them, with a few exceptions just pretending by filling civil action rather than criminal with arrests of politicians, and those who tried to do the right thing were fired. So the people must now take intelligent action and stop waiting for Superman or God to show up to fix this. We, the average citizen must do it, and without violence or destroying public property.

Again, the local, county, state and federal cops are NOT prioritizing and investigating the most serious Crimes Against Humanity, and it’s not by accident. Our top lawyers and cops in the U.S. Justice Deparment (DOJ, FBI, State Police, Local Sheriffs…) are complicit-guilty for misdirecting and misleading the public while protecting people like Bill Gates and his bought Officers of the Court and Chief Law Enforcement Officers (Lawyers, Politicians and the President—current and former).

So what’s the solution? It’s us, the independent people-reporters who must investigated and then arrest the crooked cops obstructing justice and protecting the other criminals in government.

Crooked cops will NOT ever investigate themselves, and if they are working with and protecting the Treasonous Politicians rather than the people, then the people are trapped—unless they stop fighting each-other.

So what’s the solution? Take off the Red & Blue political gang colors (both parties are guilty), form your local peaceful militias and act now.

Start filing police reports about the evidence you are finding and forget about whether you think it’s useless. Of course the crooked cops wont investigate. But that’s the point. You must still “file the damn police reports” and let millions, even billions pile up on the cops and AG’s desks.

Before we can rise up and arrest crooked cops “preventing” legitimate investigations and arrests, we must file millions of reports with local and federal officers to prove who “we the people” must arrest. That’s my job—investigating and arresting bad cops and lawyers, if the people in my state elect me or one of my fellow patriots Governor. I intend to make my state’s slogan “show me” meaningful, probably for the first time in my state’s history, or at least die trying.

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I agree with everything you've shared. Absolutely! Everything they have done, are doing and will be doing is 100% criminally intentional. I cringe, when I hear someone say it's due to incompetence. They obviously speak out of ignorance.

You've motivated me to look up a retired police officer in my city, who was an upstanding, honest and fair officer. We remained in contact for a few years after he retired but have lost touch since.

I'll see where he stands on all of the happenings going on today and go from there, if he's still around. He would be a great help with filing the police reports, too, and identify any crooked cops, lawyers or local government officials, if he's aware of any.

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like it

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hell yeah !

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Finally someone says exactly the fact of the situation we are in and have been in for 3 years now (noticeably). I fully believe we have a net past the point of no return, I believe we are in end times and either the 7 year tribulation has already started or it’s about to any day now... I don’t believe in a pretrib rapture and have done thousands of hours of study deeply into it... the verses that pretrib people use I believe is twisting scripture and wishful thinking! I believe Trump checks the boxes to be the antichrist and everyone looks to him nonstop as our only hope... people think there are white hats 🤣 I’ve know for 3 years now that WE are the white hats and we didn’t do shit!!! Like I’ve said, now it’s too late!!! I fully believe a civil war is about to happen because of the Texas border situation.... but it’s what the evil ones WANT us to do! I believe that the Jews in Israel as in the leaders and also the ones everywhere else example, New York, etc. are exactly what the Bible says in Revelation

2:9 and 3:9 they say they are Jews but are NOT and are of the synagogue of satan! Most of the Jews have no clue about any of it and blindly follow their masters! Trump is their king whom they even crowned! America puts Israel first, along with everything else evil because we are mystery. Babylon, the whore, and we will be the first to go down for everyone to see, deservingly so!!! Anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear and knows how to do research can find out that the ones controlling the ENTIRE world and have infiltrated every single company, etc. is those Jews who are satans workers!!! People are under a spell or something from Trump and they make an excuse for literally EVERYTHING he does and Q was a total psyop run by the satanic Jews who are not Jews but say they are. To understand what’s going on you have to think like the enemy, that’s even the way high up military thinks yeah nobody wants to do it when it comes to Trump, nobody wants to research into him to see 100% all of the facts right in front of our faces that he is one of them... literally he is a chabad jew... those and the Khazarian are the ones running the world and they have been kicked out of 109 countries over the last thousand years (can’t remember the exact amount) there is a website run by a guy named Dustin Nemos. He has all of this laid out clearly for even a five-year-old to understand and you can go to his website to see all the proof for yourself, he digs deeper than anyone else does and backs everything up with the proof!!! www.theserapeum.com and people can use the search bar and type in trump or fake jews etc to see for themselves... BUT nobody wants to do that because they are afraid of the actual TRUTH!!! They need a savior because they can’t bear the thought of this really being end times and just like the Bible tells us they are lovers of this world and the things in it, and they love their life more than they love Jesus!!! Heck it’s simple to even do a google search and type in Trump and illuminati hand signs and you can see in literally every single video, interview, speech, picture over the last several decades he throws up his illuminati hand signs every single time and there’s no excuse saying he’s doing that on accident because we know he knows what that is and has talked deeply about draining the swamp and how evil all of them are, so there’s absolutely no excuse! Just like there’s no excuse for him being the father of the vaccine and telling people at his rallies that he got the shot and the booster and we should too, because it saves millions of life and is the best thing that the world has ever done for itself! He has even had the balls to bring his FRIEND ceo of J&J to his rally on stage and brag about the kill shots! What about EO to make ALL vaccines gene changing mRNA etc what about his satanic penthouse decorated ceiling to floor with the Greek gods and namely Apollo who the Bible talks about apoloyon aka abbadon the one who opens the bottomless pit which is located at cern which has been thinning the veil bringing in more evil friends of satan... he has Apollo all over that penthouse along with a white horse which Apollo rides on, he is the bringer and the cure for disease that he hits with a bow and arrow. What about trumps WEF daughter and her husband Jared kushner (Jews) and his entire elite swamp family and his 666 5th Ave building... hmm who did Trump bring to work with him at the White House.... Wilbur Ross who is basically a Rothschild and worked for them for 34 years.... I could go on and on! I voted for Trump both times, and I know the election was stolen and I kept making excuses for him as well until I couldn’t push my gut feeling back any longer, and I decided to do research into him to find out for myself, it was very easy and all that I found was damming evidence so I decided to start making a list... oh also trumps spa at one of his golf courses he names it the white horse and its logo is 666 in the horses mane. Also there have been several movies filmed in his penthouse, all of which have Satan in them!!! He is part of the swamp and anyone who doesn’t agree after seeing the evidence is lying to themselves! Maybe he’s not the antichrist, but he sure does check off all the boxes. I made a list with everything the Bible tells us about the antichrist along with the lost books of the Bible, and the dead sea scrolls, and people need to understand that the antichrist comes to the world when it’s in total chaos, and he makes things better for a couple of years, he comes on the scene as the savior and everyone loves him, because he fixes things.... watch some of trump’s interviews when he is asked about God and his religion and if he prays and asks for his sins to be forgiven... that’s all the proof I needed! He is disgusting and said he leaves God out of that and just corrects what he is doing 🤣 on the website I listed go watch the video he made about operation war seed... Trump knew it was satanic and his symbolism is all over it, plus he hired literally nothing but the satanic Jews who are not Jews. Jesus doesn’t come back for His 2nd coming until the very end of the seven years, so people better prepare themselves for the hell on earth, and having to either accept your fate by choosing Jesus, and having your head chopped off, or being on the run and praying to Jesus, asking him for supernatural protection, which he most definitely can and will do. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for those of you who love your life more than being willing to die for Jesus... I know that it is scary, and everything I have said is very harsh, but it’s the honest to God truth and I have came to terms with it and I’m excited to prove my love for Jesus and I plan on saving as many souls for Jesus, as I possibly can along with feeding people and helping them medically etc God bless everyone

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best rant ever,.....that's not a rant at all, well said

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Thank you!!!!!!! Not many people truly understand, only VERY VERY FEW people!!! It’s sad and I’m blue in the face from constantly trying to tell people but I comment it on every video I watch, I just wish people would start doing the same thing so hopefully some people would start to get it through their thick skull 😂

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Excellent comment! Thank you

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I need to go back to your previous videos to understand the significance of this one. Where do you suggest I start? I am not an electrical engineer, just a retired MD. But I believe that every MD will have to become an electrical engineer, and I am willing to become such a conduit. The info if overwhelming, and I am looking to build a foundational understanding, so I can convey it to docs, whose attention span is near O. Help!

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Feb 4Author

Everyone will have to become electrical strategist, in this electronic nightmare we live in. I received your email.

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Éric, your work is pure genius. Your video and presentation skills just keep getting better and better.

Thank you for really driving this home FINALLY. I really get it now.

I don’t know if your follow fellow SubStacker Brandon Iglesias, but like yiu, he is sleuthing out the whys and wherefores. Here’s his latest proof, via Linux/Unix access, that we’re all digitally compromised!


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Wow this was incredible. One of the most significant discoveries/revelations I’ve seen in a very long time ( obviously thats assuming the testing here supports the conclusions inferred here and all that “disclaimer” stuff). I wonder what other if any energy type devices/things exist that could be used that quickly deactivate this “tech” to test out on. And what other conditions/variables it can be tested in. I’m watching this again tomorrow as it’s kind of giving me the creeps this late at night! I really appreciate your brothers message at the end 🙏🏼 This could be seriously groundbreaking.

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Powerful. Thank you. Shungite. Grounding. Care for the children.

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Feb 15Liked by FM8

New subscriber here.. fascinating stuff :)

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Feb 5Liked by FM8

This is just so disheartening but not surprising at all. I appreciate you being brave enough to share, Eric as so many are completely ignoring what's happening to us and the transformation that is occurring from within. I saw somewhere that someone was picking up - not a full Bluetooth signal - but packets of information coming from the uninjected. Is this the same thing?

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Wow! I think you are getting to the core of it! Incredible powerful video! Thank you!

I wanted to share something strange about my house. I DO NOT have wifi (I use ethernet), my far away neighbors both do not have wifi or internet, but there is a Hidden Network that appears on my computer, stays for a few minutes, then disappears. then appears again, then disappears... no cell phones nearby. We changed our smart meter into analog. Could it be from the meter still? Where would you think this signal, wifi signal coming from? No other houses, people, etc. Where is it appearing and then disappearing? Thank you for your time! Appreciate your take on it!

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I think I figured it out! Bustards! Without even us consenting to it, they put this wireless Hidden Network on all the routers... you have to opt out of it manually!


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Feb 4Liked by FM8

Interesting observation. My guess is this phenomenon you show has something to do with the 4th phase of water that all life forms create (Dr. Gerald Pollack). Humans create Mesogenic (liquid crystal) structures throughout their biology and as such will passively or possibly actively resonate with other EMF signals in our environment. This structured crystal water we generate could behave like we have various sized antennae re-radiating the digital RF-Microwave signals we are being bombarded with in our environment today.

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To me, this supports the hypothesis of Sabrina of @Psinergy (odysee and other platforms). Some don't like her take, or delivery, but I've always found her to be genuine and extremely knowledgeable source who tells it like it is.

Humans discovered that RF communication with the body is possible since the late 1800's and overall technology is far advanced over what we are told. She has said consistently that the "pureblood" thing is nonsense and all humans emit a signal created by their biofield/electric existence. However that has been achieved is open to investigation but sensors/emitters/nodes can be grown in situ and/or in combination with ingested or injected material and this has been widely done. Wireless communication with the body. This has been known of and exploited for some time in medical and intelligence fields apparently.

The current jabs are simply an amplifier (using graphene and the fibrous blood clots) and taking this to a whole new level of neural networking and through put as well as undoubtedly far greater f*ckery to come. Great video. Will add some more thoughts after digesting further and time permits.

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Just looking at what the likes of Moderna said on their website gave enough clues for anyone who had some semblance of common sense to stay the hell away from such things but of course fear and fear of loss of worldly goods was on the table for many. They said they were installing the operating system. Ie the first 2 shots at the time they were referring to. Then they said more subsequent shots were like adding apps. Some of us may already have what they would call pieces of the network in us but what they were attempting to do is put an operating system into people and it was not just the one company. I believe it was all of them and with the dod being the one behind it all then it certainly makes sense. It does say that in end times men's hearts will fail them, well we have been seeing a lot of that lately. If we have a solar emp event like that of the Carrington event I don't think many who have had installations done will survive it, maybe that is when we will see the zombies bleeding from many different places and with their brains partially fried but still able to operate for a short time. Time will certainly tell though.

What I do know though is that I have been slammed by the bio resonance ie energy field of some jabbed. I believe it has been for learning and unless it happened to me I would not be seeking or looking for a way around this phenomenon. One thing that I did witness personally was that I was around a jabbed person, I didn't know she was but I should have known. I was working with my microscope at her place, in her house she had wifi obviously on because she asked the stupid ball thing where her phone was. I was like oh my you are one of them. We were in the bush, I also noticed she had an apple phone not that it matters much but apple is one of the worst IMO for tracking etc. The logo tells us so. Well she placed the phone on the table beside me and she lent over me as I moved sideways so she could look through the microscope to see what I was seeing. So we were in close proximity, I felt nothing. Then her phone became active, the screen lit up like it was receiving info ie some app updating or whatever and boom. I was spiked, hit badly. The symptoms that I had experienced once before slammed me. My chest started tightening and then I started dry coughing. I moved away immediately within like 1 second, I knew what it was. I was literally going off in my mind like damn it etc. My throat was starting to close over ie become restricted like an allergy attack. I gathered my breath and said I have to go, I have an appointment or whatever excuse. I got my microscope and other stuff and got the hell out of there real quick. The thing is I had this before but it was way, way worse. I also had a searing pain up the back of my neck up to the base of my skull. I had an instant watery mouth that tasted just like saline and I was at the point of wanting to vomit. I also had pain in my ovaries and uterus, I am post menopause this should not be occurring. So when one knows the signs of what happens when they go near a walking bio weapon and it has become activated they certainly know. It was just another observation that the mobile phone amplifies their weaponized energy field sadly for us. Also it took me weeks to get over each time that I have been slammed, taking alternative medicine MMS/CDS and other things like iodine etc. I am not jabbed just to clear that bit up, only one jab in my life and that was when I was a child other than that nothing. My analysis to date is that the more wifi, emf or whatever near these people the stronger their weaponized energy fields become. Now another phenomenon is that some are saying oh they are shedding skin or whatever. Well I do not know but what I do understand is that energy signatures can be left behind after one has left an area. We know this can happen with paranormal things. Is this how a non jabbed person can be spiked or their energy field attacked if they go into say a home of another to clean it? I think the new age people have things partially right and we can get clues, they sage a place with smoke to so called clear out bad energy. So basically we need something that emits from us to clean the area of this nasty energy be it generated by nano or whatever. We know that if a person is on chemo and radiation that they will read a certain radiation level with a geiger counter just after their radiation or if they have a radioactive pellet in them etc. These people are leaving radiation signatures around the place and I also believe on the likes of seats etc. Haven't tested it but suspect it.

Also I forgot to mention that after these instances of having my energy field slammed my blood looked absolutely horrid. I looked at it under my microscope and I was flat finding one blood cell that was nice and rounded they were all spikey looking, don't fully know what they had turned into or were but it should not look like that at all. I was horrified and after taking MMS/CDS and herbs etc my blood came back to normal within a couple of weeks. During this time I was feeling horrid, at one stage I felt like someone had literally pounded the uterus. It was sore like it was bruised and bashed and even when walking the slight movement and jarring was painful. I could not even drive my buggy and feeding livestock was more than a chore, we have very minimal emf at our place one finds it hard to even get a cell phone signal. Like what the hell was that, obviously something from the damned weaponized bio field that I got hit with. All is well now though.

I hope this information is helpful or insightful for others who are researching that read it.

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Well said, clarity is so important

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I just watched a 7 year old video Tony did on the anti nano pail (requires daily detox). The more I learn the more I realize the farther behind I am.

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I just wish I had an idea what this is all about. Neither do I understand what it is or how to get rid of this influence.

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Cover your ears both hands even with the volumn high listening to this video. Its the connection. RR

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It looks like when “they” shut down the cell phones, we cannot use them, but “they” still can, for their purposes.

Anyway, it makes perfect sense to me that they can shut down cell service for a while, as they’re claiming they did today, to test to see how the communication technology in our bodies is functioning, and if they need to dose us harder with it to stay on their timelines for nefarious programs.

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It would be great to see a response by someone like Dave Stetzer to rule out anomalies. I wouldn't expect he would endorse it in any way though. I didn't use my anti nano bucket much and have no intention to continue on with it due to the extremely high electrical fields measured. My meter went into the red with ELF toward the side of the bucket and into the red, unable to measure inside the bucket due to the extreme magnetic field.

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Feb 11Author

Do you use a cell phone?

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