Jan 14Liked by FM8

Thanks FM8 for your work. Thanks to everyone fighting for humanity. Let's Love with more passion than their hate.

I don't know y'all but I love you

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Jan 15Liked by FM8

Thank you, Eric. I've actually considered buying an xray vest for protection. That's how crazy this place is. They are definitely trying to eject us from our bodies so that fallen entities can take physical form. I'm seeing it in my work. The electrification of the environment allows for more ease of portal opening and makes it difficult for the spirit to ground into the body. Most are living partially outside the body at this point and are being hosted by entities. It takes a tremendous amount of strength and will to counteract their measures and remain grounded, centered and connected. I appreciate your work. ❤️🙏

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Jan 15Author

Thank you Tena for sharing your experiences. I often see, this like one foot in and one foot out with so many out in public. I know you know what I'm talking about.

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You mean literally, like for example when sitting people adopt that foot position?

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14Liked by FM8

HOLYYYY SHIT I never knew we are that important hahahaha holy jumpin no wonder you feel like shit--- and the fact we are being persecuted and having lack of privacy to be charged based on tech--AI has its eye on YOU!!! this can only work with AI --the tech never sleeps means the AI runs the show and is collecting more data---you can be incriminated just by the collected data

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Jan 14Author

Oh we are important all right

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what do you think


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Jan 14Author

Reality my brother, that's what I see

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Wow 😯

And right after I got a sleek ad for the iPhone 13 which gives you the ability to use LiDAR, a laser that can damage the eye.

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AI is still programmed by (some lower form of) humanity and needs humans to do its bidding.

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the Jesuit Order? Gods Assasins?

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Thanks to all of us trying to think outside each box that we can! Recently a guy came to work on our water heater. I was sitting inside the house when he turned the electricity off. And by golly that felt wonderful.

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Tony said that we need to consider wearing a space suit. The lead xray apron sounds like a winner. I've been wondering what to wear when I go out. Sounds like you need to buy an apron for yourself too. Good call to have a phlebotomist come to your home to draw blood for a test (and shield it as long as she could) instead of going to the MD's office. Awareness , awareness. Thank you so much for sharing this story. I assume your son took the video while you were driving. I'm glad he's doing well.

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Same. I’ve been saying the same thing for over a decade now; I feel like I’ve been having micro-strokes every single day. Sometimes I get this sensation of my entire body vibrating that will wake me up and my teeth will hurt like I’m chewing on aluminum foil. But who do you say that to, then expect to be treated like you’re sane? I’m surrounded by wireless tech living in a condo. Owners who are not even here during the winter months keep their WiFi and other devices on that have Bluetooth all around me. The amount of energy assaults is staggering, and I live in the Ozark countryside about a mile from my city. But right across the lake there’s a Cell tower as well. I literally feel like I live in a microwave oven and the headaches NEVER subside, just randomly change from mild to suddenly sever—full on migraines with visual impairment, nausea, violent dry heave vomiting that makes me feel like I’m puking up my guts—like someone threw a light switch. I was medically discharged from active duty for migraines. But as severe as they were I only had one about every 60 to 90 days. Now, t’s worse than torture. It’s more like a slow, stress-intense killing.

I must find a way to gut my unit and install shielded protection within my walls, as well as all cables with filters, but nobody recognizes the problem as real, any more than the nanotechnology in our meds, food, air and waters, except the government and their far-removed, paid civilian assets who’s doing the targeted assault.

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Jan 15Author

No words brother. What a World.

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14Liked by FM8

That is an absolutely insane amount of hardware.

So many people are employed bringing this homicidal venture to fruition...

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They're what Lenin called 'useful idiots'. They're mostly ignorant of the results of their work because it's invisible. Same with these totally imaginary things called 'viruses' -ever seen one?

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want to see how far AI is---this expresses what I have been saying and what eric is showing you is advanced and this is what is sending data to this


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Jan 14Liked by FM8

Hard core shielding is the way to go. Been doing it a couple of decades. Not enough space to tell everything. But I'll share a tip I've learned. Maybe some science guy can explain it. I have a twin bed shoved into a corner. Around the bed I built shelving (wire shelves from Home Depot). I extended the bottom shelve so that it covers the bed area. Lots of shielding on the bottom shelve. But on top of the shielding you put insulation like the stuff put inside of your walls. I don't know how it works. Whether it is just blocking sound or sonic waves or what.

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Got chills hearing you say they want to knock our spirit out to make room for their disembodied fallen ones:(

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I'd like to recommend Dan Duval and Bride Ministries. He's got prayers for TI's and prayers to renounce evil timeline and close portals, etc. These prayers and sermons are powerful. He is getting firsthand info from high level Illuminati detectors.

I am in that category but am mostly amnesic at this point but Christ is lifting the veil at his pace. I recall doing horrific things while being drugged,hypnotized or under spells which I'm seeking forgiveness for.

Bride Ministries is helping so many that are confused by all this strangeness. I'm just starting my healing but have already come so far!

If I wasnt so brain foggy I'd post links. Bride has it's own app.

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I meant Illuminati defectors aka bullshit detectors!

I'm bloodline and never consciously made the oath. I do not consent

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What a sobering and informative video presentation! Thank you so incredibly much. I am thoroughly enjoying your invaluable Substack.

Question: What are your thoughts about people wearing metal (jewelry, belt buckles, etc) on their person? Does doing so amplify the radiation/emf coming from our environment?

Thanks so much.

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Yes I wonder the same about titanium internally from surgeries (small clips and joint replacements etc).

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Great video! I can relate with most of what you are experiencing. (the vibrating, the head (trauma,,,,). It is extremely hard to 'mitigate' these issues too.

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Amazing! Thank u for sharing!🙏🏻

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Reminds me of the Patriot Act.

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