I would have said to the guy, YOU drink it then. Right now. On camera. wtf.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12Liked by FM8, WT

That's literally the World Wide Web. Good work guys!

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Oct 12Author


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Something about spiders you may not know! They're the only species to produce real electrostatic anti gravity! Spiders, the species propagation of them comes from a thing called ballooning where they spray those fine strands of silk which carry a positive charge which interacts with the negative charge of the atmosphere above us and pulls them upwards into the atmosphere where they travel all over the world! There are more spiders flying in the sky than humans ever did! They're beyond amazing really!

Maybe there is something more to these fibres.. in that they hold a charge like spider silk does? Who knows.. fascinating though! check this is out from Kenny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R2DxONRdLo&t=

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This has been being sprayed, etc., for at least twenty years. When I listen to people freaking out now, I think, yeah, that's like the cow freakin' at the entrance to the slaughterhouse floor.

It's a little late, right?

I am increasingly seeing people as livestock which I have to fight against. But they aren't helping me when they continually make such horrible compliant choices in the name of animal comforts and then yell and scream when the cost is due.

I never raised a farm animal whose reason for living wasn't to be used by the farmer of the animal.

You don't want to be a farm animal and your "offspring" raised as farm animals, then understand who you are and take responsibility.

You are a child of God.

I used to shout from the rooftops about the spraying in the skies. The final attempt at enlightenment came when under a sky criss-crossed and heavy laden with chemical trails, I pointed to the sky and asked a couple of supposedly intelligent acquaintances, "What are those?" They looked up, right at the chemtrails and snidely looked at me and asked, "You believe in chemtrails?" .

I said, no belief is necessary. They are right in front of your eyes and raining down on your heads. They are a fact.

They never spoke to me again. Rinse and repeat.

Also, I don't like the use of AI generated illustrations. Soulless easy to grab crap. If you don't want the machines to take over then stop giving them toe-holds in the name of convenience. Especially when it comes to creativity.


God Bless.

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I have saw these webs cover my yard for years :(

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one of the best presentations I've ever seen. Says it all, really. What did the villagers end up doing to Frankenstein and his monster? Right.

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After watching the latest Michael Yon report and this, I think I will have to lay off the rest of the day.

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What are this politicans doung when they realese this biosentetic and the same time they have to breath also the air.

With the v@×× certificate I understand they buy them.And billi gates & tramp care fort to not put 5 G on their area.

And shure they connections whey they buy clean food and medication,while we get poisoned and contamineted trough food,medication.But the air they have also to breath?Its maybe not so risk for them because its just one poison they have to deal with.Or what you think about that?

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So then if these genes sprayed from planes are integrated into the genome of human mothers, they can make spider milk for their babies? Beyond that, I can't follow the thread.

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If you all watched the video...Then you understand WHY Ireland Scotland are targeted...Millones of sheep and goats grazing on land where it rains not only water but fibers so the goats produce spider fibers when they breed and there DNA spider hijacked...RR

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Where is it falling? RR

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Paging the Dragonriders of Pern, STAT!

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just when you think it can't get any more bizarre. thanks. reposting.

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