A different type of scope, uv hair and skin,

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That hopelessness is a tough one. I feel like there's a signal being pumped out around and through us that screams 'just give up and die'. Anytime I find that signal getting difficult to handle, I go find something to do.

Right now we're facing a critical point with our clothing, as in finding any we can afford that doesn't feel like unbearable poison. So I'm learning about wool spinning, and a type of very old school 'knitting' called nailbinding. I found somewhere that stocks 100% linen fabric, I can save up to buy some, then learn to hand sew it into clothes (I can't tolerate the EMF from sewing machines, learnt that the hard way!).

Find something that's essential to your survival (and that of your community) and start building the skills our society will need when all of this eventually comes crashing down. Skill building is my affirmation that this evil overlay can't last forever, and I'll be ready to support my family and community when it's defeated.

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In horror. We find beauty. Thank you for sharing.

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So insane... Thanks for your great work and service exposing this madness....

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Everything you said is right on, particularly the use of microwave energy in relation to all of this biosynthetic nanotechnology. It’s not just these filaments nobody wants to discuss, but the nanotechnology quantum dot self-arranging microchips, people emitting MAC addresses, etc. (Continued in Notes: https://substack.com/profile/105331799-jeffrey-p-lubina/note/c-51332232?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=1qpmjb )

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