I am speechless. All I can muster up is Oh My God......Please help us.

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May God the Father-Creator in heaven, and here on Earth, send His angels to intercede. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

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Jesus told us these days would be beyond what we've ever experienced. The most evil times. He said unless these days are shortened there will be no flesh left but for the sake of the elect they will be shortened. HE TOLD US.

Do not let your heart grow cold. As the whole world shatters and is broken in a million pieces.

This is no surprise. Get right with God. Give yourself to Jesus and let the Holy Spirit in. It's the only escape. Endure until the end.

Thank you, FM. I hope your friend learned what he needs to know.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by FM8

It is truly a spiritual battle. I hope he is open to hearing you and willing to do what it takes to detox. God have mercy on all of us.

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How are we still going about our day in such a condition?

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That's a good question. I think Eric's friend gave a partial answer when he said he gets multiple calls a week about people dying.

Though we have to remember we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

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I’m wondering the same. Some more resilient I suppose. I do notice an energetic and cognitive drain. Get up and go - got up and went 🤪

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Oct 18·edited Oct 18

Some more resilient (i.e. body is functioning better to remove toxins and heal) and/or some more toxic to start with.

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Hopefully WE who did not take the 'life saving solution' are not in such a condition. But that is my question too when I see things like this. Amazing what the human body can go through and keep going, for a time at least. Makes me realize how bad our internal environment has to be before we finally die. We are truly made by a divinely brilliant creator.

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Thanks Eric, looks all too familiar.

Seeing the same here. Inexpensive scope I picked up a few months ago.

Love you buddy.

Still wanting to build that triangle 😎. After the Christmas is tucked in. Still playing ‘elf ‘ in my workshop.

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I'm happy to have found you FM8, thanks to Kat (MellowKat). I'm glad to see you are on Odysee. I will follow you there too.

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Good title. Good choice for the bg audio. The whole planet is likely screwed and maybe anything that comes here for who knows how long. And we just sent a probe to Europa... I used a different word but changed it to screwed. Assuming my statements to be true, someone page a Vogon Constructor Fleet. Like if you get that. Obv God is the answer but levity can be helpful. May God bless you all.

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Oct 18Liked by FM8

I agree, excellent choice for the background audio. One of my favorite songs... and sums up the current state of affairs accurately... Mad World.

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What microscope do you have please? I'm looking to buy one.

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He answered that in the comments of his Urine Electric Shock video. He also added that he would choose differently if he were to do it again.

I'm taking Matt Power's Regenerative Soil course and he has found an excellent microscope setup with camera (very important to use a camera instead of looking directly through the eyepiece). Professors at universities with $30k microscopes ask him what he's using because his photos and videos are so good they blow them away. You can email him and he'll tell you what microscope he uses. If you take his microscopy course it will teach you how to use the microscope, and he'll help you set it up, you get a huge discount off the same setup he has (I think it's about 45% off). He's all about the soil, but if you want to check you can find Matt Powers on Odysee https://odysee.com/@Permaculture:e and this might be a good video to watch with some microscope photos especially at the end https://odysee.com/@Permaculture:e/all-new-side-by-sides-that-change:6

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Know that some of those cells are "the immune system", symbiotic cells cleaning up dead and dying debris.

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There was very little if any "immune response" noted. All damaged cells with foreign structures and fluids.

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I have no idea what I'm looking at. I'd love some context and a baseline. Thanks so much.

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023Liked by FM8

Katherine, You are looking at Eric's neighbors blood under a microscope. This is the state of his red blood cells, etc. They are coagulated. Our blood cells are being killed off.

I'm going to make a bold statement. NO healing can take place in a environment filled with invisible disturbing radio frequency (RF) radiation. Remedies like sodium citrate are only temporary fixes until the cause is removed. RF interferes with our electrical God given ability to heal our bodies. RF makes us sick, because it disrupts our God consciousness from communicating with our body. It causes cancer, nerve damage, general cell damage and eventually death... because our blood cells cannot circulate, oxygenate the tissues and are being killed off by cellular, wifi, bluetooth, weather radar, and DoD radar, DEWs, etc, etc. That's what I experience in my environment. The first solution is to dump the tech in our homes. Hard wire our networks with Ethernet cables. Turn off wifi, bluetooth, and hot spots on all smart devices... including stove tops, printers, washing machines, etc.

Spend a few hours reading through the documentation on childrenshealthdefense.org site. They are one of a few environmental groups litigating against RF radiation. They are educating folks just like Eric is. Listen up people. Your life depends on it. To see a difference in your blood, which graphically displays your health? Start here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/emr/at-home/ at home and https://www.techsafeschools.org/_files/ugd/2cea04_9e0eac828f124de9ae4a956d81d1f802.pdf at school and at work. And consider distancing yourself from cell towers and shopping centers.

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And stop carrying phones around everywhere especially on your person. In pockets, etc. They are bouncing EMF all around all the time.

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Robin, What a generous spirit you are to take the time/effort to explain this vid to me. I very much appreciate it. Knowledge is power, as they, say and you've just made me a bit more powerful, as it were. Wonderful. Thank you.

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Pass it forward, please.

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Excellent idea. I will, Robin. Take care and thanks again.

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It's true in the past that we could escape RF radiation by going into the Outback. Not so today with SpaceX, Google, US, Russian, Chinese et al commercial and DoD communication satellites. There is no place to hide anymore... although some places are less RF dense than others. Smart cities like Los Angeles are the worst. And LA is bragging about their smart city tech. Elon Musk is selling satellite internet and phone service. Just started an FCC approved test of his tech in a number of US cities. God help us.

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deletedDec 20, 2023Liked by FM8
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Check out the use of Sodium Citrate by Substackers Karl C and Dr. David Nixon to rid your body of the nano.

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deletedDec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023
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You can't change the PH of your blood to any significant degree or you'll die of acidosis or alkalosis. It will always rebalance itself to about 7.4. Some parts of the body are highly acidic and some more alkaline. But the blood stays pretty constant and there are quite a few mechanisms to balance it. Though it is possible to sway blood PH one way or another it will most assuredly kill you if you do.

I agree. There is no cure. We just have to endure as best we can. If the triangle is working for you, great. I'm trying sodium citrate just to see. I've had Morg/CDB for a long time and have used a lot of things and though nothing has cured me, I have seen what works for one may not work for another. So I keep trying. Though I'm not betting on a cure.

I think most are looking too hard for a physical cure for a physical enemy. This is a Spiritual war fought in a physical world. The cure has a name. A powerful name. God Bless.

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Endure Endure Indeed. Run your race, resist resist resist

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Please tell me this guy is jabbed.

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He unfortunately drink 3 glasses of the Kool-Aid

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Unfortunately my mom had 5. Can’t even think about what her blood must look like.

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That breaks my heart. My mom tested "millions of times"

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I don't think you should dismiss their findings, in this video they tell how the nano is excreted in urine. What's not to like? https://zeeemedia.com/interview/dr-david-nixon-karl-c-new-nanotechnology-findings-will-shock-the-world/

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deletedDec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023
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Me neither, I can't stand the sight of needles :)

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This is not an IV remedy.

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