I use the same meter. I was using the meter in the summer. When standing about 1 mile in view of my local mobile phone mast, the meter held near to my throat measuring the Digital RF gives out a very similar and very busy readout. My guess is that there is some sort of communication going on between my body system and the mast, could be potentially a two way communication. Currently, seems to be a form of gathering data and tracking. Turning away from the tower the RF reading drops to nothing. In my house in front of wifi routers, etc, no RF bytes readings. Active Nanotechnologies in the throat. The chemtrails here in Germany, in Bavaria, are extreme.

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My Friend Tony M. (https://substack.com/@nanoscope) says the same about Germany

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Gotcha. I couldn’t tell that segment was so short. It looked like it had read KB xfer but didn’t appear to be incrementing.

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Yeah, guess I could have been more clear

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Do you have time to look at products from a company called Aires @ Aires tech.com. They claim scientifically that their worn devices will help modulate emf and such signals. Thank you

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I have zero tech ability and know I could never replicate any of it but I still find it all horrifying and, somehow, urgent, if that makes sense. The signal coming from the top of the head was interesting. Has anyone else noticed developing small lumps on the top of the scalp the past year? I have. I have three disctinct pea sized lumps under my hair on top of my head, only from the past year. Could be something ordinarily physical but it has coincided with a marked increase in my insomnia. I have two of the emf protective hoods but find it takes two of them to give me any relief.

Also am wondering if anyone knows if basements dug into deep earth are protective from emf please? I notice that when I use my laptop to go online, on firing up to connect to the router I see many active networks around me. I assume these are from my neighbours smartphones. Or possibly them themselves? But when I sit in the basement which is like our hobby room, with a fireplace etc, I only get at most one of these showing where upstairs, there'll be about seven to ten.

I wondered if the earth surrounding the basement walls was somehow helping block the emf signals from those around us.

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Dec 31, 2023
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I recently had my internet provider send someone out to do some networking and he shared that he also did work outside of his regular work for the internet company. He's been working for a TON of whom he calls "elite, hugely wealthy" people that are moving to my area and building guess what? Bunkers and compounds.

He does high level networking, computer work etc. He says that he's being asked to line homes and bunkers with a Heavy-Duty Reflective Mylar Diamond Film Foil Roll, the kind used in grow houses, green houses, etc. They must know something we don't, aye?


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I don't know, Gordon. I hope so. Something has to block it or we're screwed, tbh. When it comes to the rich though, I firmly believe that long before they released the bioweapons (covid and the subsequent shots) they ensured *they* had an antidote/cure, call it what we will. Even to the shedding, which most of us are now suffering from to one degree or another (see Dr Ana Mihalcea, Karen Kingston's patents as well as the original Pfizer documents) because I cannot imagine even those psychopaths would poison and cull Humanity whilst making the methods of doing so transmissable even to them...and they do mingle even if in the rarified atmosphere of "protected" publicity..and I can't imagine they'd destroy the very world, our only Home, even to them, without some means of protecting themselves and those they choose to protect from that.

There's also the thing that the bunkers might be being built to protect them from those of us who might, one day, find the backbone to gather together in reality and storm the b*stards with the intent on extracting revenge for the deaths of loved ones, Humanity and our world. Surely must come a tipping point some day, albeit probably too late. All the guns they can hire to defend them are unlikely to stop the remnants of rage filled humans with nothing left to lose.

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The idea is that if communication is cut off then no orders will come from outside (remember the plan: insert thoughts, emotions, orders). What he has inside he already has. It's about not sending data to anyone and not having orders sent to you... Which is no small thing...

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Remember that there are already quite a few cases of even children who do horrible things, even murder their families or people who commit suicide without a history, etc. Some frightened children agree that they heard voices that ordered them to do that. If communication is cut off and orders are prevented it would be good prevention.

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I will have more to say on this lord willing in the near future. All of the enterprise, commercial and hospitality wireless access points across all of the major vendors are equipped with special radios for IoT (various protocols M2M, BLE, Zwave and Zigbee). I am going to attempt to do some discovery in this realm as I suspect a correlation.

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Doesn’t the aluminum shielded cap rule out the RF source coming from the subjects head?

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They didn't stick the meter inside the hat while on their heads. The hat blocked the transmission on every occasion, while the meter was on the outside

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The idea is that if communication is cut off then no orders will come from outside (remember the plan: insert thoughts, emotions, orders). What he has inside he already has. It's about not sending data to anyone and not having orders sent to you... Which is no small thing...

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