Dr. Moulder has done extensive research on vaccines. He has multilevel phd’s so he could fully understand what the mechanism of action actually was. They killed him before Covid. I used to have one of his videos but can’t find it now.
Not just vaxxxeens because we are swarmed by all other means so as you focus on one you forget you are vulnerable to a multitude of many others. Like you're bombarded by gnats in the dark. Everywhere.
Christine, what you can do is start downloading all your videos to a cheap usb drive. If you are not offered a download link by the site, you can use yt-dlp to get the video. This works especially well for youtube where there is a strong resistance against downloading.
This is looking like an excellent video btw. I am seeing the continued verification that any doctor that links autism and what they call "vaccines" gets suicided by a jesuit agent.
I don’t have a functioning computer and I refuse to update my already outdated iPhone. Once it’s kaput, I don’t want to buy anymore electronics. I like being a dinosaur that isn’t tech savvy:)
Excellent collage. Try to bring up the topic of fluoride in the water supply at any town hall meeting and the whole row of baboons behind the banquette give you the sour face. Read the book, The Fluoride Deception. And I saw a documentary on Edward Bernays just before he died, with interviews. His attitude was that the public was too stupid to push back against all his lies and therefore deserved what they got. Whatever corporation that bought out Tom's Toothpaste, which never had fluoride, put it right back in. The next two sentences I just wrote I must say may have been too inflammatory for the government and central bank agents so I self-censored. But we all feel the same way. Don't let me in the castle gates or hell is coming to breakfast.
Dr. Moulder has done extensive research on vaccines. He has multilevel phd’s so he could fully understand what the mechanism of action actually was. They killed him before Covid. I used to have one of his videos but can’t find it now.
Not just vaxxxeens because we are swarmed by all other means so as you focus on one you forget you are vulnerable to a multitude of many others. Like you're bombarded by gnats in the dark. Everywhere.
Don't be blindsided.
Yay! Found it! Correction, his name is Dr. Moulden
Christine, what you can do is start downloading all your videos to a cheap usb drive. If you are not offered a download link by the site, you can use yt-dlp to get the video. This works especially well for youtube where there is a strong resistance against downloading.
This is looking like an excellent video btw. I am seeing the continued verification that any doctor that links autism and what they call "vaccines" gets suicided by a jesuit agent.
Another example:
Dr Jeffery Bradstreet -- https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/847772
Another example, but not autism:
Here is a list of 10 doctor deaths of which Dr Andrew Moulden is one and also lists Dr Jeff Bradstreet:
I don’t have a functioning computer and I refuse to update my already outdated iPhone. Once it’s kaput, I don’t want to buy anymore electronics. I like being a dinosaur that isn’t tech savvy:)
I cannot argue with any of that given the facts that I have gathered over the last 5 years.
Why is Bobby still breathing? Oh yeah: he is a Jesuit.
Excellent collage. Try to bring up the topic of fluoride in the water supply at any town hall meeting and the whole row of baboons behind the banquette give you the sour face. Read the book, The Fluoride Deception. And I saw a documentary on Edward Bernays just before he died, with interviews. His attitude was that the public was too stupid to push back against all his lies and therefore deserved what they got. Whatever corporation that bought out Tom's Toothpaste, which never had fluoride, put it right back in. The next two sentences I just wrote I must say may have been too inflammatory for the government and central bank agents so I self-censored. But we all feel the same way. Don't let me in the castle gates or hell is coming to breakfast.