Jan 19·edited Jan 19Liked by FM8

You are a star. Thanks for all your work.

If you have an opportunity, can you find out who manufactures the cleaning products the hospitals use?

The nurses are pivotal. Just as in the 3rd Reich.

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I’m an LVN and work in a SNF and we use a lot of toxic sanitizers. Employees slather themselves in it as well as use other surface sanitation without gloves. I used to do the same but now I take it very seriously and have brought my own bar soap to wash my hands which my coworkers (including my medical director) always ask me “what is that”? I tell them it’s normal soap because I no longer want to poison myself with hormone disrupters. They roll their eyes...but then I remind them of all our coworkers who’ve developed cancer (all admit that we have a high incidence of coworkers with cancer).

I’ve also bring in my emf/Rf meter to show how toxic electronics are. People’s eyebrows raise with a look of concern when the alarm is triggered. One of my coworkers actually stopped wearing her iPhone watch which is a big deal.

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People do not realize every pulse their device receives is as about 8-10 feet in diameter if you are in a crowd everyone is getting hit with all devices only the coded one responds. These are concentric pulses not spiral and it's microwaves.the reason it's concentric and not a beam is because it would cook you.

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from what I understand the vaccines promote cancer. Amongst other diseases, DEW can mock any medical malady physical or mental.

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Totally right Barbara. BTW I know someone that has the same name as you and she lives in Edmonton, AB. Just wondering if it could be you... ;-)

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There is a doc with my name from my father in laws first family , I married his second son from the second family. True? I don't know but bump into her name often. How does she spell it? Thanks.

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Nevermind... She is in Alberta... But obviously you are not her. Sorry for the trouble! :-)

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What is AB? And what does she do?

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Jan 19Liked by FM8

My friend who is an MD is caughing out white fibers. Has been going on for 3-4weeks. She's flabbergasted and sends me those pictures asking for help. Is there anything she can do aside from the triangle to clean her lungs up?

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Jan 19Author

Difficult to say. Everyones environment seems to be uniquely toxic.

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88amazing how we see reality and this is all true ---what FM8 is demonstrating is accurate to a T 100000000%---been electroporating even nutrients in myself so with the deactivations and then the detoxing this is what you will seee---this is why its so important that deactivation is so important --the detox is what comes as a result of the disengaging--

Great demo ---everyone take it to heart what fm8 is showing you

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Jan 20Author

Thanks Brother

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Thank you for this information. Thank you for your honesty. I need to follow your example.

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Hello Eric, I have never seen anything like that residue in the bath, did you use salts in the water with the triangle?

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Jan 19Author

Yes the standard

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Jan 19Liked by FM8

I found this, does it sound right?

1/ 4 cup of borax

1/4 cup baking soda (no alum)

1/4 cup Epsom salt

1/4 cup TSP (Tri-Sodium Phosphate)

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Jan 19Author

Sometimes I scale the Epsom salt way up, sometimes as low as 1/4 cup. I don't use the TSP (Tri-Sodium Phosphate), but many do. Rest in 👌

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Jan 19Liked by FM8

Thanks for the input! God bless!

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Hi Eric, great work & I’ve enjoyed your videos. Can you specifically explain “the standard” for the benefit of myself and other readers?

Do you mean epsom salt, baking soda, TSP, bentonite clay, etc? And can you give what proportions/measurements you used for one or any or all of these? I understand you’re not giving medical advice. But your information will certainly help others to experiment with the same formula & tweak as necessary in regards to their own usage and the effects that they receive.

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Jan 19Author

See Lisa's comment above

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Did you put the Sandy patterned debris under the microscope yet? I would love to know what that is.

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Eric, would you remind what salts you use? We got the triangle made and are ready to begin.

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Jan 19Liked by FM8

Thanks for sharing, Eric. Very practical and helpful. Will start on the Triangle and one day make the Spike. Ridiculous what came out of you.

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Jan 19Author

It's two fold. Much of this filth seems to be "hitchhiking", I can feel the increase in unwanted electrical charging of sorts. And of course lots of these foreign materials come out, difficult to set an percentage or ratio - internal:external

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Exactly right. My entire substack and the books I’ve been working on for the past ten years is NOT about perfection or absolutes, but simply explanations from methods of investigating and questioning everything for a “better Understanding.” It’s the very best humanity can do, and anyone who say’s they have a “perfect” understanding with the duty or right to shadow-ban, shame, gaslight and punish people over their definitions of truths are either delusional or intelligently full of shit—and either way—misdirecting people away from a better understanding of the real to keep them in groups to fight each-other or even war themselves.

I know what I know, and of those greater truths I’ve come to understand—I’m still forever a student with much more to learn, and I’m comfortable with that, though intensely restless. What I report and write about often offends many who are emotional “believers.” So I keep reminding my subscribers and visitors that I’m a chronic problem-solving forensic scientist of everything with one imperfection or negative I’m certain of: I can never be tortured or punished enough to “believe” in anything; I can never turn off, take it easy or just go along with the sheep, and for sure it’s very painful and a very lonely life.

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What are you all washing your clothes with over there? Is it a surfactant or are you using something you made yourself. What are you all washing your bodies with, what are you using as a shampoo? Are you using handmade soap, if not then get some plain handmade soap and not that glycerin soap either. Stop using body washes, they are not good for you or the environment. Why the handmade soap? Because it still has the naturally formed glycerin in it. Simply make some olive oil and coconut oil soap with lye ie caustic soda. Use a 60:40 ratio of olive to coconut, if one wants a slightly more moisturizing soap then go for a 70:30 mix. The soap will be alkaline and will help with all this stuff. The tech I believe loves acid, the inside of a battery is acidic not alkaline. Current flows better with acid. Stop using anything that is fragranced even if they say natural fragrance it's chemicals and marketing hype. Stop all those dryer sheets and stinky house smelly things. Use natural fabrics and even bedding, get some cotton sheets. If one cannot find cotton only sheets then get those cotton blankets and use one as a bottom sheet and one as a top sheet. Use woolen blankets not synthetic. Zap the sheets and bedding, zap the clothes. We have to go back to old school ways. Also get the wifi and emf signals out of your home, I have noticed that it takes months to get these wire things out of one's abode even after they have cut the frequencies to nearly zero.

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Eric, have you tried the megaphone on you as suggested by Len Ber & al to see if and where the megaphone shrieks? I tried that device on myself and 3 other people. Despite all I do (including triangle and spike) my body emits at least 3 complex sounds in very specific spots that I recorded and characterized with a sound spectrum analizer. Yannis says it is due to piezoelectric cristals located in those areas. I haven't had any shots in the last 25years except IVIG in 2014 and lidocaine in 2019. It must be the accumulation and self assembly of the crap from global geoengineering since at least 2000. The three people I tested with my megaphone emit measurable sounds in specific locations of their bofies. I tend to be optimistic but seeing that and understanding we are already invaded organically to that level played a number on me. Everything we do is to prevent more self assembly, but our biology and the whole ecosystem is already comprimised.

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The hospital was where the mind control was of utmost importance for the implementation of the effed up plan. Maybe all the dance videos were just these creeps showing off their handiwork using HCWs as puppets? Makes more sense than the idea being considered appropriate by any rational professional.

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Great segment. Thank you! You are sensational and so direct to the point. I truly appreciate that. Please what was that you were spraying on you and are there other options. Thanks FM8!!!

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Is there a difference with Winter compared to Summer with the volume of this stuff collecting on the skin? What I mean is does it collect more when one sweats? Is there a greater collection of it when the humidity rises or decreases?

What if one sprays their body with say a bicarb soda solution (which is mildly alkaline in nature) and let it dry and do not wash it off and continue the day like that? This may help decrease the collection of this on the skin, don't know anything is worth a try for those in areas where this stuff is a problem. If say this works then it will make the skin dry, then we would need to formulate some kind of moisturizer for the skin to abate the drying effect on the dermis. Sweat is acidic and also salty, the ph varies from person to person when I have tested the ph of sweat.

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Mix coconut oil lemongrass/peppermint essential oil then mix in borax and baking soda to make a scrub, I use this every day. All ingredients are biofilm busters/deterrents and borax stops nano replication.

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The bill always comes due. Always.

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Nano filters nano?

If the Chinese are collaborating with western governments to filter water, it must be safe and effective!😂


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China's advertising " 2 dollar. You buy!"

Western advertising " $ 33 for one filter that is proven, certified, safe, potable water. Buy 2 for the price of one, only $ 66.60!! For a limited time and receive a free masonry (G)ag chip for your child or sacrificial baby goat.

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I saw red chemtrails a couple of times

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i bet whatever concotion is in the shots is working with the nano self assembly particles in the air. that would explain it self replicating so quickly in the lungs. yall seen that 1 video i believe it was a huge lung clott from a 19 yr old teen.

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