It is Really great what comes out with @mellowkat! Nevertheless just BE CAREFULL, because they got the weapons already in places, everywhere in the world, i.e, the 5,6,7.... G WIRELESS TOURS!!!!!!! The convid psyop began with the ACTIVATIONS for a short time that did just showed of powerfull this fuckery is,first Wuhan,Italie,New york and........ the unfortunate or highly sensitives to EMF RADIATIONS were hit!!!!! ( I was from the firstones ,enable to breath for almost 30 Sec )Not jocking. ALMOST DIED!!!! This is their ultimate level to ANNIHILATE any kind of rebellions IMHO! Blessing.

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And that´s why THEY don´t even care!!!!

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It is without any schred of doubt A GLOBAL MILITARY COUP!

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Like the Mechanical Tree that ASU built to "Carbon Captured" under umbrella of Geoengineering....

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They are going to kill everything and blame it on climate change. Whatever is left will be augmented into the internet of things.

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I honestly don't think Trump or RFK are powerful enough to do anything about this, even if they wanted to. These are untouchables, like the federal reserve. This is military black ops.... 'brought to you by DARPA!' yay!

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