I almost can't believe what they were saying about us! I don't have TV so I never saw any of this. But he who laughs last.

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RUMOR: "Project Lazarus" genocide coverup???

No more "Tiffany Dovers"??

"There is a rumor going around, supposedly started by a facebook engineer (working via the new name Meta) who claims a new AI is in the final stages and it's sole purpose is to cover up genocide. This new AI tracks the style and frequency of posts from users, so when they vanish it can auto generate new posts that make the person indistinguishably look like they are still alive, including aging, education progression, the whole 9 yards."

People using social media will be fooled by the AI and will not notice the crowd is thinning out and they probably won't figure it out until they themselves "die suddenly" or hear a knock at the door, and they probably won't figure out what happened to everyone on Facebook even then.

Think about it - for what other reason would facebook want to fake and obscure the fact that account users have vanished? Sure, you could say it's all economics and fake accounts might be possible to convert to cash, but if fake is all they want, they would not need to go through all the trouble of imitating real people, it would be easier to simply fake up new members from scratch. In fact, it would be a LOT easier to simply generate entirely fake people than to have to deal with millions of families saying "How is my deceased loved one still posting"? Unless that won't be an issue because entire circles of association are to be wiped out, like the communists in Russia did it...

After the Bolshevik Revolution, Russian communists managed the vanishing of people by killing entire families and all associates, so no one asked questions. This obviously took a lot of work because they had to figure out how to delete people by killing everyone without making it obvious while still maintaining a population that could carry forward. Nowadays, AI is going to assist in carrying out such a program with precision and it will be easy to do, because nowadays all people do is flick their phones, they, outside of work, don't actually know anyone face to face. And AI, which studied them constantly, can just keep right on posting and "maintaining relationships" without the disappearance ever being noticed. An AI can also manage family communications so meeting "face to face at Christmas" can be delayed forever.

The people being deleted can simply be replaced by immigrants so neighborhoods don't empty out, in the end there will be only a few non-threatening bottom feeders left, musing at how all the homes around them filled up with foreigners. Relatives who happen to drop by will be left hanging, wondering what the hell happened, like the disappearance of "wally world" and if they raise enough of a stink, they can be eliminated also.

An AI that continues posting, creating perfect fakes of people that have been vanished is now probably the biggest threat we face, I believe it will happen and genocide will never be easier...

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everyone just needs to watch the social dilemma. I like how they all say theyre all guilty of doing something but yet they never say what it is. Im pretty sure when all the free social apps have everyone profiled. A.I. is preprogrammed responses by the.... wait for it.... the Khazarian self proclaimed Jews( that arent actually jewish) globacabalists who worship Satan & Baal. Pretty straight forward if people go onto rumble and watch MrTruthbomb2 videos pedogate etc killary is a zionist globalist and all us reg folk are known as Goyim all the blood letting rituals adrenechrome are all tied to Satan .0001.%ers globalcabalists freemasons illuminati theyre all working together for a 1 world government hiding behind international health regulations. www.goyimtv.com has very interesting history that you can watch the videos and research anything they talk about as true. even tho they claim Hitler was an illegitimate child of a Rockafeller. but that contradicts itself if Rockefeller is a Jew and not a Zionist.... but if hes a Zionist and the banksters worked together coordinating attacks on thier behalf of zion, makes sense. Oh an for shit$ and giggleq i asled a.i. what would happen if a nuke went off with all the nano particles in our atmosphere what would happen..... well...... its like the pun of a bad joke.... How do you turn a blue planet red?

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Haven't giggle already done that? Perhaps look to Sri Lanka.

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Yes indeed. I had the pleasure of speaking in person with the Sri Lankan documentary maker who filmed the uprising there... she came to the university here in Falmouth Uk to show her film last October... It was awesome to see people come together in their millions to protest & peacefully march on the government buildings to force the president to step down & retreat.

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American society has been so atomized by the media machine for so long, it's hard to get anyone to feel any responsibility for themselves, their fellow citizens, their community, their country. Everyone is distrustful and withdrawn.

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good comparison. I suspected as much. The death toll is being scrubbed. But if you look at the profits of Service Corporation International, the largest deathcare corp in America, the profits keep beating estimates quarter after quarter and after quarter.

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The road to hell is paved with........vaccines

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The push that is coming will be so unbearable that can’t be compared to anything we have been before. Jail, death, isolation, forcible confinement, separating families… If the lord did not shorten the days, no flesh would be saved. It’s at the door.

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And beheading’s….there’s an icd-10 code for freaking legal be headings. Noahide Law adopted by USA in 91.

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That was powerful. Thank you.

Wow what an assault that was. That was intense crazy.

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Why was I given the grace to know what was the right thing to do? The right decision saved my family on both sides of the Atlantic . RR

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Japanese Minister of Health just apologized to the population for the mounting death toll, for the disabled, for the dead children, dead babies, for the mass-sterilization. Although it's too late to stop the mortality numbers now.

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you know what I ♡ the most about this video. Is these people who are coercing people to get the Death Cult VaxXx are going to learn what the nuremberg code is. and when the vaxXxed finally if ever will flip out and there will be civil unrest towards all those responsible.

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"It is the unvaccinated that is the problem period end of story", SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE , BITCH.

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I can't believe the insanity of it all... People were herded like sheep.

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