A friend of mine purchased jet-black disposable period underwear and developed super bad stomach pain after wearing one for a couple hours unrelated to normal cramping. I swear those things were saturated with graphene. She showed it to me and it was this nasty jet-black material. Brand if it matters was Always.
The Iodine oftentimes has a violent reaction with let's just say nastinesses, the foreign materials that are not "cotton" react and are forced out of hiding
Get out there digital warriors! Yard signs, rear vehicular window signs, slips of paper with links to informative websites with captivating titles, “for the love of your country, please research this info” left here and there, etc! We must bypass the msm and reach the masses in any way we can! It’s now up to the “little people” to awakened their fellow humans!
Does anyone have an idea of how to introduce the general public to such info? I’m going to try an inexpensive, “moving” option in the hope that people’s curiosity will be piqued enough to explore. Once you’ve seen, it cannot be unseen...
thank you- sharing
Thanks Karen
A friend of mine purchased jet-black disposable period underwear and developed super bad stomach pain after wearing one for a couple hours unrelated to normal cramping. I swear those things were saturated with graphene. She showed it to me and it was this nasty jet-black material. Brand if it matters was Always.
What a world
Can you tell us what was it exactly that you applied the Lugol's iodine solution to?
Do you think it degraded what appear to be fibers/filaments at all?
Big picture, what is the significance of what you have demonstrated here?
The Iodine oftentimes has a violent reaction with let's just say nastinesses, the foreign materials that are not "cotton" react and are forced out of hiding
How would you use it?
Get out there digital warriors! Yard signs, rear vehicular window signs, slips of paper with links to informative websites with captivating titles, “for the love of your country, please research this info” left here and there, etc! We must bypass the msm and reach the masses in any way we can! It’s now up to the “little people” to awakened their fellow humans!
Microplastics in toothpaste. WTH.
Would those planted fibers be absorbed through the skin or private parts of a child?
Your guess would be as good as mine. There seems to be an obvious saturation agenda, for they are ubiquitous.
Does anyone have an idea of how to introduce the general public to such info? I’m going to try an inexpensive, “moving” option in the hope that people’s curiosity will be piqued enough to explore. Once you’ve seen, it cannot be unseen...