The violence of the system. Drilling into everyone like there's no tomorrow. Maybe they GMO'd everybody to handle the radiaton better, cause it looks like we should already be dead.

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Aug 28Author

I wonder about that all the time bro

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That was a very impressive reveal. What is in that tunnel to create that much intensity? Seems like a monstrous electrical gauntlet beyond the minimum to keep phones from dropping out or electrical lights on in the tunnel. Some military installation behind those cement walls.

But what do I know....

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Aug 28Author

Watch the vid attached labled the Toll

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

I "hear" another "tinnitus", and it is a 'hum', or a 'no ground' sound in my deaf side of my head.

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The date shown at 4:00 in the video is 08.27.2004. Is that correct?

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Aug 28Author

Just fixed it, OS Auto correct some how got me. Thank you

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