Aug 24·edited Aug 24Liked by FM8

I've been reading a lot about smart dust these days and that it's been blanketing the earth in chemtrails. for various surveillance reasons. Could it be that they self assemble into the fibers? Something to consider.

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Aug 24Author

I've been collecting whole fibers for years. Outside in our environments, rain, tap water and they all fibers avg 3 to 5 mm in length initially in my observations. The outer diameter is harder to measure for me with my limited equipment, however they all appear fairly equal.

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Says one comment but I see none.

Is the nicotine supposed to help, or hinder against these things?

Thank you for all your hard work. Every "hit" counts. ❤️‍🔥

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These friggin fibers as pictured grow and extrude from my skin daily for the last 7+ years, causing painful slow healing lesions and constant itching. This crap is life ruining

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Thank you for clarifying these results. You have a very good point when you state, "why aren't they showing that?" It's got me wondering as well

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Use 2 binders to remove them in addition to the nicotine so you don't get reinfected, this is one problem.

Add protocols to any protocol for better effect, sort of like a shotgun firing many pellets instead of a slug.

From Dr.Ardis - Nicotine with supporting research.

It was geneticist scientists who actually did the ID of venom & in multiple country's.


NICOTINE Can Remove Vaccine Nanotechnology



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I suppose it's good to have another remedy to add to the arsenal that dissolve the crystals for those who want to use nicotine. I, for one, can't take CDS or SC w/o side effects that make me sick. Some people can't use iodine in strong enough doses for health reasons.

Though I do understand if something doesn't kill the "wires" or "threads" it's only a partial solution at best and killing only what is easily killed by other methods. I understand this now that you've shown us.

People keep trying to rush to a solution and I understand this as well, but I've had Morgellons for a very long time and this is going to take work and persistence if anyone ever succeeds at finding a "cure".

Jesus did tell us in the end there would be no flesh left unless these days were shortened and they will be as He also told us. He didn't tell us we would find a cure. So we'll see.

Thanks and God Bless.

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try EMP on fibers and nano tech

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deletedAug 24·edited Aug 24Liked by FM8
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Aug 24Author

Thanks, Rod for laying all this out. I have received mostly "triggered" responses and emails over this video, mainly due to not truly listening. And yes, the patches are loaded with hijackery, and also yes "whole nicotine" will offer neuroprotective relief for sure

This video shows the lopsided approach to "science", avoiding the fibers, and focusing on the so-called nanotech crystals. Reducing the crystals may not be the fix in my non-PhD opinion. So this isn't a Nicotine hit piece as many may assume. I keep a high index of suspicion any time the fibers are shown and ignored, especially when a so-called solution is being presented.

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I noticed greater clarity and mental energy. However, I started with too much and I was at sea in a commode-hugging hurricane. So my chelation doctor suggested taking the 21 mg and cutting it in six parts with scissors, and I;ve been okay with that. I used to listen to Dr. Ardis talk about the Cobra venom in the vials but he can't substantiate it. Saying nicotine counteracts the alleged effects of the venoms. Main thing here is, does the nicotine degrade the fibers. Doesn;t look like it.

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There are many commonly and not so commonly prescribed meds that use synthetic snake venom as an ingredient. Like Lisinopril which commonly prescribed for heart disease and is made from the world's most paralytic viper venom. The venom or venom "parts" can be difficult to isolate without knowing in advance which venom(s) and "parts" are incorporated, so though that doesn't help with Dr. Ardis' claims, since he would have had to been able to identify the venom in order to claim venom is in the injections, but using snake venom in meds has been in practice for many years and is widespread.

So, the likelihood synthetic snake venom is in the injections is not a wild guess.

Lending a deeper meaning to "snake oil salesman". Indeed.

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That's what I do!

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