Hey Eric. Here's my statement on this.

There are a few trusted sources that I go to for information that is life saving related. You are at the top of the list.

Now, having said that, concerning this guy you are talking about -- many months ago there was a relocation event with this guy. For some time I read the new substack posts from this man. Increasingly there was something wrong about them. For my part, a little voice basically told me to stop paying attention. So I did at that time; I still get them but I don't read them anymore because something was bothering me about it. So I'd say for about 8 months there has been no attention on them for my part. I had to rewatch your video several times to make sure I had this right before I typed this in; your video surprises me but yet it does not surprise me (if you can get what I mean). It is disappointing to see this "turn" of this fellow, but, honestly, what can you do. Was it the result of a targeting or an attack that was successful, who knows. The only thing I do know is that in these times, that we are in, you had better be right with God of Abraham and you had better be asking for protection from God of Abraham.

So from that aspect, you are now one of my primary goto's and there are not alot of them. Thank you for posting this brave video and letting us all know.

Kind Regards

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Dec 1Edited
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I have suspended you from the channel for 30 days for disrespecting David, your comment is still available yet hidden.

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Thanks Eric. The good news is that we both seem to be directly over the target.

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Your right Laura, fuck the professionalism. While being a foul mouthed pig is another thing all together, and if you've found your guy carry on with the crowd that suits you. Idiots everywhere do a lot of things. Some even get on keyboards and run off at the mouth as if they have a clue to begin with. I get it. People will die and the Butt Hurt will fight the wrong fight online.

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Well all I can say is its good news if the jabbed can be helpped because there are billions who will need it..RR

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I also had to stop listening to that trusted source. some meetings are in print and I check them out when I have time, but the negativity brings me down. Eric is positive. I am very happy to hear that the nano removing equipment can also help those who were injected. My heart has been heavy, feeling for those. I also suspect that even without having been jabbed I may have acquired through other covert methods like food, or touch and I recently read the newest boosters have self replicating and contagious mrna in them. Somehow or other they're determined to get everyone.

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Your ex wife is Blessed that she has you!!

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well done. thank you. blessings.

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I sometimes think the entire point of substack is to create division since it allows people the opportunity to write indepth about what they think and believe which can be sensitive areas to reveal.

Then there are the pretenders and they are rampant, so trust becomes something that's hard to come by.

I also think this may be a way to sharpen discernment. A skill that's becoming more essential to survival day by day.

Thanks for the article. I've been writing a stack for nearly a year now and increasingly I wonder if it's any use at all. I have to ask myself that question more and more often.

God Bless.

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Dec 1Edited

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The entire approach here shows that there is something wrong with you. It's entirely possible that you could have resolved this between the two of you in private email or chat and then both could have made a statement, but that's not the important thing to you; for you this needs to be a spectacle of large proportions. That right there says it all. You don't have to be here but yet here you are with multiple accounts to hide behind. You are transparent.

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Tony has no filters for BS...

That doesn't make him a bad man, IMO quiet the opposite.

In fact Tony is a great and kind man,

super generous with his time, helps anyone he can and Eric knows this.

His wealth of knowledge often blows my mind!

Don't you think Tony wouldn't like to sell more of HIS tech devices? Selling more triangles to the people who got the jab?

If he refuses to, it is likely for their protection because according to him, some who got the jabs have been activated by his devices and against his will.

So are you claiming he is lying now?

Anyway, clearly "this man" is not money driven!

I don't know about Eric.. After all, here he is shitting on the legacy of the man that he appropriated his tech and knowledge from.

Thankfully Eric is still a nobody with no clear achievement related to nano biotech and frequencies, NADA!

Smart people will recognize that he got spoon fed by Tony, a pioneer in the field with a solid track record who's legacies had been taken advantage of by those wannabees

Regardless of how people feel about his comments online he remains more relevant than any of those wannabees out there.

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If you actually knew Eric, you would quickly understand he has zero tolerance for BS, which is why he likes to give data and share his research. He's a good man, with a kind heart. He also used to teach in the Medical Industrial Complex for 20 years, in Emergency medicine.

This isn't as personal as you're taking it.

I had a look at this "LPN study" that Tony P is suggesting "could be" an issue, and there was no substance in it. I looked in it and thought - is this just a big pharma scare tactic? There's zero data, and just a bunch of "what we should study" questions. Have you looked at it?

Pharma has the budget to do things like that, historically they've done it many times and as we know, they're going to try and infiltrate grass roots movements that actually help. I think this community is correct in wondering if these instruments would be harming the vaccinated, but if they're helping when nothing else seemingly can, I think it's time to reconsider, and that's how science works. If my heart was about to fail in 2 weeks, of course I would give just about anything a go. Most people would.

I'm really looking forward to seeing more data in the future, and less insults to back up people's ideas on this. We need more people putting down their swords, and looking for solutions to help both parties, the vaccinated and unvaccinated. We need men, not cattiness.

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To be fair i'm also quiet skeptic about the LNP being a real thing but no i haven't looked at it.

Plus i agree with a lot of what you are stating!

Although working 20 years in ER is not an accomplishment related to nano biotech. You can possibly gain some helpful tips and tricks here and there...

It's not 15 years being laser focus on nano

The point of my comment above was not who's right or wrong on this particular subject about the LNP

The point was more how disgraceful/ungrateful Eric is towards Tony.

A friend wrote that message below to me, i just copied and paste since i'm in accordance with it

I don't recall TP ever naming names outright- yet the other went on the attack (on multiple levels) In addition-- highlighting an instance where he didn't see negative effects, only positive, one instance-- with many MANY variables--. It is NOT something you build a foundation on and proceed to promote. AND (IMHO) -> If someone tells you NOT to do something (in this instance with creator of said tech) you don't parade it for all to see. If your going to do it anyway.. even though the drum has been beaten silly and you STILL do it-- don't come and tell me about it. But.. that's just me. The total disregard--- FFS. And to add insult to injury-- the audacity to censor people in the comments sections, 30day ban, 24hr bans etc. Dumbfounding. When people pull there pants down and show they're a$$

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Take a look at the article! It's not enough to write off vaccinated people when they're on deaths door.

Eric didn't just work in the ER, he has been TEACHING, and wore many hats, including working with EMF in that field. He was noticing many things that related to nano in the field. I couldn't even pretend to list all of his credentials, because there are too many. He's really well rounded in what he knows and offers a different prospective. I think different prospectives on this matter is critical. I know Eric personally, who has expressed mad love and a ton of respect for Tony; he has told me that many times! To be real with you, I hope one day they are back in each others lives in a meaningful way because I think their different perspectives compliment each other. Shoot, I hope more people join in that too, with other perspectives. Eric is speaking openly and naming names where Tony was dancing around it. I don't really think it's for us to decide how people react, when in disagreement; if Eric is willing to work with them, but Tony isn't, that's fine, I think! Due to his medical background with the testing and monitoring aspect of data that can show us! We need to speak about it helping people who have taken the vaccine, if that is the case, and it seems like that might be the case. We need all hands on deck, people are dropping like flies!

Getting a call from one guy saying he is having issues with his detox could be people who have been hired to high jack the narrative here, and if there are others who are seeing benefits, it's time to open up and talk about it. We need transparency and I would love to see more case studies! They're no good just sitting in someone's computer - release them! All of this name calling is unnecessary! Science changes... that's the beauty of it. Let's do this!

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Basically, there are conflicting results.

FM8 showed his positive results in the video.

Tony had bad results in his interpretation.

Eric is not a nobody, you're ill informed on that one.

Thanks for your opinion. Test results and reports would have been better though. God speed.

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I read the public display. pretty sorid and sad. Did the equipment help a jabbed person? Apparently, according to the video, it has. Die or try. I say try, even if the early identifiers such as tp and 396 both discourage deviation from what they've found. tp says 396 uses diatomatious earth which builds. 396 says breaking apart with charges inhibits removal. Both have helped so many but when ego of 'I and mine' increases it can really interfere with new thinking and effort. We all need support for this path. Just avoid conflict and follow your heart and results closely.

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Idk what the beef is. But, how is this evidence that it's disabling and degrading the wetware synbio tech? What if it's designed to also adapt and create a psuedo homeostasis.. how do we know. Also I think we need stronger pulses. Into the Teslas.

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The presentation showed that an irritated heart didn't become more irritated over a year of use without rebounding the arrhythmia, hypertension, or hyperglycemia.

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Absolute evidence of the positive effects of the technology use.

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The synthetics are affected by monolithic emp pulses of around 1hz, however they are designed to intercept signals of 2ghz and above. These interceptions are used to both provide energy and to send data bidirectionally. It has also been demonstrated that they can flourish under Rife frequency sweeps of 40 to 40,000 hz. However, there are key frequencies that they are incompatible with, to look into that I would suggest reading matt j.a.o.b's substack for that whole story. With monolithic emp disruptive pulses the operating theory is that the 'constructors', aka qdots, get their core code wiped under those pulses and then become so much slag. This is what I believe as it empirically seems to be the case as evidenced by myriad reports of success from people that have been treated. To see many of those I would go to GET YOUR VOLTAGE BACK! <stephandubeau@substack.com> and look at what he has posted.

I would say in summation to be aware that people are not static, they change according to circumstances. Some get weaker with less integrity and some get stronger with more integrity under adversity.

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My comment wasn't about being confused.. although yeah I'm open to hearing everyone's perspective.. and the questions I asked in it are more so in context to, we don't know fully. We have to figure it out. Even with all the breakthroughs some have made. Interested in seeing what you mentioned on it flourishing with the rife frequency sweeps. Who conducted these tests and did they use a AM carrier along with the sweeps? As rife did.

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And yes I'm aware of each substack that you mentioned. And aware of variousn studies with various frequencies with nano second pulse rates that can degrade various materials used with lasers. I actually sent matt and others the studies on it. But the lasers I'm still looking into. Seems is something too it with the green lasers. And I'm not sure what you mean exactly in that last paragraph.

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Can you describe more what you mean by "monolithic pulse" .. because as far as I see we need a Fast slew rate ( Nano second rise and fall times) aswell most likely into the Teslas. Sharp and fast high intensity. Also I think it can adapt if you don't take it out fully so being able to change the pulse rates for example. 2 impulses per second. 4. 8.. 1 every few seconds. To change it around. I've been looking into BBM pulsers circuits some of his reach 5 teslas. Aswell looking to develop similar setups to what chappala was using HV PMF with HV generator and spark gap to time it. Chapalla also mentioned Negative voltage at high intensity pulses is what takes it out...

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PTON has been consistently the same with his behavior until the Rumble journey and since he left Cana done. PTON is not a professional and has never been, as he states, he's a guy that "knows something". The other character pattern, is a lack of empathy and calling people stupid, very consistent there.

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Hi to all: I appreciate these findings and I am excited that the technology can be beneficial to those that took the shot.

On PTON pr TonP. I have been following him since 2014. At a certain point in the Rumble journey I stopped listening. Too much politics and calling people stupid. Another point that was very disturbing was when a caller was very sick and PTon sent him to the discord. Well I was shut out of the discord in about 14 minutes, so much for an intervention Eh! Not the same person I followed!

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C'est vraiment super

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Hey fm wath solution are you using in your bucket thanx brother if it can help everybody let use it :)

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Hi Eric. I have not been vaccinated, but I have had heart rhythm disorders for a long time. Can I now also place the spyk and the triangle on my heart and use them?

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This isn't something encouraged for a healthy person.

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The cardiolog who want me to get an ablation[ whitch i will not do,i do not trust any doctor nowadays] says my hearth is sick.

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Sorry to hear that. Heart disease was out of control before 2020, I haven't even looked to see what the current so-called numbers are present day.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3trNR7ji_T8 I can try the Rife frequentie. Is that ok? My daughter has too hearth rhythm disorders,She works in health care. Refused the jab but got the nose stick two times. Can she also use the rife frequentie? And use the spyk and the triangle[not on the hearth] Thank you.

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Free advice: Do not use the Rife machine. The synthetics will absorb any electromagnetic frequencies other than a very select few. They cannot absorb monolitic emf pulses of large magnitude which is why the triangle works. Use a green laser that is being modulated at the frequency recommended by matt j.a.o.b - check out his substack for the laser information.

If it were me, until I could get a laser set up I would use the triangle. That is my personal decision for myself tho.

If she got the nose swab then she most likely has graphene oxide synthetics in her blood and close to her blood brain barrier. I would be taking N-Acetyl Cystiene (NAC) supplements and if it were me I would also be taking sodium citrate. Read Karl C's substack on sodium citrate.

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But the triangle is not a "large magnitude" pulse... As far as I know I havnt seen anyone test the gauss but at most it's medium in the scale...

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More variables for the equation. EMFs also cause heart arrhythmia, which are an issue in the Netherlands as reported here.


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Is correct. My fathet had it too. i the 1970,s, i had it i sice 2011 I my case propaby ot radiatio

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so this guy identifies as tonp or Pton in .. mockery ..? of Tony P. eh? Took a second

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They are both his accounts

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Ah so... so it is the actual Tony P. Huh.

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